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7 Months Later

B--"Ohhh please I need to push,"

Dr--"Wait... hold it... now push Brie" I groan out loud not caring who heard me outside and I squeeze Marcello's hand and I look up at him with love in my eyes, me and this baby have been through so much and I finally get to meet my beloved baby. We have no clue what gender it is since we wanted it to be a surprise, also out baby decided to be stubborn and wanted to wait an extra week and made mommy and daddy wait to meet their precious self. 

After I got home, I healed very nicely it was a struggle at first with the nightmares every night or flinching when a sound sounded like a smack, but I got over it with the help of my family. About two months after I came home Marcello was being really sweat the whole week and always smiling at me when I wasn't looking and that Friday, he took me on a date at a really beautiful beach side restaurant and at the end he got down on one knee and proposed to me and we have yet to get married because we wanted our baby to be in the wedding with us. 

Lorenzo and Gabriella are currently building a home on our land behind the mansion we live in so they could have their own privacy, and that me, Marcello, Fran, and Salvator can have the mansion to ourselves their words not ours we would love them to still live with us, but they insisted. They also started their own restaurant in town so they could have something to do during the week. 

My dad has been really helping out lately with whatever I needed and is really wanting to be the best grandfather there is out there, he is always saying that he is making up for the time he lost with me and is going to be grandpa number one of course him and Lorenzo fought about that, but they finally agreed that they are going to be equally as awesome which they will be. Some news that I learned not to long ago is the person that actually bought my mom's house was my dad, he said that it held so many good memories and he couldn't let it get sold to anybody else. 

Now as for Fran and Salvator, they actually had their baby a week earlier than the expected due date and they had to take the baby c-section and so that means they had to stay at the hospital for a week after the surgery which tomorrow they can leave the hospital as long as everything from the surgery looks good and no infection. They are actually newly engaged as of a month ago and I could have been happier for them both, but they decided that they didn't want to rush a wedding and wanted to spend time with their baby first. They had a beautiful baby boy and his name is Alexander Franco Romano. 

Dr--"One more push Brie" I was worn out, but I needed to push one more time and I get to meet my baby for the first time. I push while gripping Marcello's hand and I push screaming out of exhaustion and pain. When are baby was taken out of me I heard that beautiful cry and I started crying as well and Marcello looked down at me and kissed my forehead not caring if it was sweat from the ten-hour labor I just had. The doctor walked over to me and handed me a baby cleaned up and wrapped in a pink baby blanket. 

Nurse--"What have you guys decided to name her I am just going to fill out her paper?" I looked up at Marcello smiling from ear to ear when I hear him say her name out loud. 

M--"Everyone meet Alessia Samantha Moretti" Her first name mean defending warrior and a warrior she is to go through what we went through months ago, and he let me give her Samantha as her middle name to honor my mother who is not here today to get to meet her very strong and beautiful granddaughter. After me and Alessia was cleaned up fully and rested for a good while we made our way to Frans room, and we all greeted and showed ultimate love to our new arrivals in the family. 

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