Surprises 18+

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I woke up in the middle of the night and I was drenched from the nightmare I just had when my door opened and in walked Marcello shirtless and in his boxers,

B--"What are you doing up so late?" He looks up not knowing he was caught until I spoke,

M--"I usually calm you down during a nightmare but this ended sooner than usual" I sat there and looked at him shocked but all I did was motioned for him to come over to my bed and when he came over and sat on my bed I had to quickly take the t-shirt and shorts I sleep in because I was sweating but the things is when I fell asleep I didn't put any underwear on so he saw all of me, when I glance over a little I see him with a hard on. In a split second I decide to do something courageous I raised to my knees and straddle him and leaned close to his ear and whispered,

B--"Sorry I was very, very, very, hot" in between each very I placed a kiss on his ear then gave it a pull between my teeth. He groaned each time I would pull on his ear. I reached down in between us and while I kissed down his front of his chest until I got to his nipple and I slowly started to suck,

M--"Shit baby" with that I went to his other one and when I bit his nipple, I jerked my hand which was already in his boxers, and I waited for each bite then I paused and looked up and I see his head thrown back and was gripping the headboard. I decided to take him from his boxers and bring my mouth to the other nipple to give it some attention too.

I started doing it again but I kind of want to get him off to it before making my next move. This time I gripped my hand harder as I bit harder and he groaned the loudest I have heard him before and before I know it three times later he came in my hand and I pointed him at my chest and for some reason him pumping his stream on me was a big turn on so before thinking I raised and lowered on his dick and he has yet to calmed down from the last orgasm.

M--"Fuck, fuck, fuck keep going" I started bouncing up and down at a fast rate, but I was starting to get tired,

B--"Please. Take. Over" I moaned when I felt him hit my special spot and suddenly, I was flipped on my back and he started off slow but suddenly got faster than I have felt from him, I suddenly came and I couldn't control it,

M--"Oh baby I am not done with you just yet, get on all fours baby" I did as asked and waited for him when he all of the sudden thrusted in me without warning and my arms gave out so my ass was in the air, but my face was laying against the bed. This round he might have thrusted in me fast at first but with every thrust now it is slower than usual and deeper, and it felt fantastic.

After a few more thrust we both came at the exact same time and he didn't pull our right away he leaned over me not putting any weight on me but it was comforting and when he pulled out my mouth dropped  open but no sounds came out and he got up off the bed and I heard the shower turn on and when the water was right he walked back into my room and picked me up and sat me under the water he washed me first then himself and when we were done I leaned against his front and said,

B--"I think I need to sleep for a couple more hours."

M--"Hmm I think so too. Come on" he led me out of the shower and helped me dry off and quickly dried himself off before picking me up and carried me to my bed. When he laid me down, I asked him with my eyes closed.

B--"Can you please stay?"

M--"I was not leaving you Tesoro" that is when I felt him lay down beside me then wrap his arms around me and just like that I am out like a light.

I woke up the next morning to a not beside me on the pillow and it said,

Dear Tesoro,

We had a surprise attack that none of us suspected so we have to go take of it, I just wanted to let you know that I didn't just leave you last night after I said I would, I stayed all night until I had to leave at 6 this morning.

Love Marcello

I smiled and got up out of the bed and went and took a quick shower and when I came back into the room with a towel around both my head and body and when I walked in front of my double door that was open leading to my balcony that I just discovered not too long ago and sit in the sun on my bed feeling the breeze blow on my face and I smiled but it instantly fell and my eyes fly open at the sound of a couple clicks, I quickly grabbed my phone and ran to the opposite side and sit against the wall completely away from the window.

I felt like I was going to ha e a panic attack, but I quickly realize that I had my baby inside me and I had to calm down and I quickly open my phone and call Marcello,

M--"Tesoro I am about to leave I am 20 minutes away."

B--"I-I need you here i-in t-ten" my breath started to pick up again but I quickly said baby in my head to keep me calm,

M--"What happened and tell me everything."

B--"Well I read your note then decided to take another shower this morning and when I got out I was just in my towel and I had sat down and my French doors were open to the balcony with my eyes closed but when I heard two clicks I quickly opened my eyes and saw a guy with a camera sitting in a tree taking pictures of me so I quickly grabbed my phone and called you"

M--"Fuck..." I heard a whole bunch of Italian language and then a car start up and tires squealing.

M--"I need to contact my men to see if the man got away already or if they can see the man on out cameras around the compound and if they can identify the man."


M--"Brie, Tesoro I need you to through some clothes on and go down to the living room and wait on us okay, I need you to do this fast and stay on the line since your dad is talking to our security for me."

B--"O-okay" I quickly got dressed and walked down the stair while keeping him on my phone until I heard a car revving and coming down the driveway,

M--"That is me Tesoro" I sigh and end the call walking to the door and opening it just as he was about to open it himself and when he saw me, he pulled me into a tight but not enough to hurt me or the baby.

M--"Are you okay?"

B--"Yes just a little freaked out but trying to be calm for the baby."


A--"Are we missing something here?"

M--"Umm guys me and Brie are having a baby together."

A--"Since when are you both a thing."

B--"We umm... we..." I sigh,

M--"She has been my girl since the moment she had the balls to turn me down for a job, even though she had no idea who I was at the time and found out the shortly after but ever since that moment I have been in awe of her, and we got pregnant the second time we couldn't stop the attraction between us" I looked up at himself shocked but before I could say anything I was hugged by Lorenzo, my dad, and my brother then of course the girls had to act like they didn't know already.

M--"Okay now that everyone knows we have to get to work and find this guy with a camera." And just like that we were in work mode.

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