First Meeting

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It was the next day and not a one of us got hardly any sleep last night due to all that mess and I can't help but rub my belly nervous about what will happen to mine and Marcello's baby. We are officially eight weeks today and I couldn't be happier.

I felt a kiss being placed on top of my head and I glance up where Marcello kissed my lips upside down before pulling away and sitting in his chair at the head of the table and that is when everyone started to sit down around the table and breakfast was served to all of us.

As I was eating, I spaced out thinking of what they wanted, were they here to hurt me? Were they here to kidnap me or even worse kill me? I was pulled out of my thoughts by Marcello saying at the same time as he places his hand was placed on my thigh.

M--"Are you okay you have barely eaten anything on your plate?"

B--"Just stressing a little that is all."

M--"Tesoro we are going to take care of it okay?" I nod my head while he continued,

M--"We need the leads here in 15 minutes for a meeting can somebody send a mass text?" Salvator nodded taking his phone out and sending a message to everyone that they needed for the meeting,

B--"Can I come to this meeting?"


B--"Please, I am the one that has brought this shit to your home, I am the one that he wants, I am the-" he cuts me off mid rants and said,

M--"Okay you can come if that means you calm down and watch your stress level with baby girl or boy being inside you" I start eating and once we were all done we all walked out of the dining room and up the stair to find it full of men and Marcello just tugged at my hand telling me to follow him which I did I looked at his back the whole time you can tell he was in work mode and once we got to the head to the table he pulled out a chair sitting down then tugged me down on his lap and I tried to get up multiple times but he just kept tightening his arms that circled my waist, he leans close to my ear and said,

M--"Sit still you're making me hard and not being able to concentrate, and I need to be focus Tesoro" I slowly nodded and sat back a little listening to all the talk going all around me.

I was fine until I heard the girl sitting beside me say whispering in the other girl ear,

S--"She is way too heavy how is she sitting on his legs for so long" with her saying that I tried to move but I couldn't he tightened his arms once again. Then about two minutes later the table got rowdy, and the other girl decides to talk back to her in a semi whisper.

A--"I know right, and look how he is just rubbing her belly like he is proud of it" I push them aside for the meetings sake and I grab his hand and intertwined our fingers instead since they made myself consciousness come back out,

M--"Okay so we will go after them in two weeks' time since that is when he sets to come here, we will have home advantage but if he does something then we make the move to take our fight where it the hell he is everyone got that?" Everyone nods even the girls, and he finishes,

M--"Okay Antonio you track him and make sure he doesn't do anything and as everyone else train, and get ready for battle meeting dismissed" I get up from his lap since he finally let me and I walked out of the meeting room, walking up the stairs to our room and I lay down on the black comforter on my back when I hear a door open and close I look over and I see that it was Marcello,

M--"What is wrong?" I look back up at the ceiling, and I feel my eyes water thinking of what them girls said, he lays down beside me and starts rubbing my belly and I reached down and grabbed it holding it in my hand bringing it to my side, but he got out if my grip and started rubbing my belly and I turned away from him and he asked,

M--"Why don't you want me to touch you?"

B--"It nothing I am fine."

M--"No I know when you are fine, and you usually like or at least let me rub your belly but now you are facing the opposite way and taking my hand away from your belly, so I ask again what is wrong?" I sigh, 

B--"A couple girls said something in the meeting about how much I weigh and how I will hurt your legs and the other said something about you rubbing my belly and being proud of how big it is" I am suddenly pulled onto my back, and he ask. 

M--"What did they look like?"

B--"All I know was that they were sitting us to the right, and they both had blond hair" he nods while thinking about something before standing up and holding out a hand for me to take ahold of and I do following behind him into his office where he sits in his chair and pulls me down on his lap and said right before I was about to get up and move to another seat, 

M--"Don't you dare move a mussel okay?" I nod my head and relax against his front, and he puts a phone to his ear talking to somebody about telling Alice and Sara to come to his office and after he was done, he put his phone down grabbing ahold of my shirt raising it up and rubbing my belly. After a short amount of time the two girls that were talking about me in them meeting showed up, 

A--"You rang sir?"

S--"Yes whatever you need help with we are here to help, and I mean... anything" Marcello pressed a button on the bottom of his desk and Salvator showed up only seconds later and he greeted me with a 

S--"Hello sis"

M--"Salvator I want you to escort these two women to the next town over and drop them off with only $100.00, they said some really men stuff about their queen and that will not be taken lightly." he nodded his head and said. 

S--"My pleasure sir, have a good rest of your evening, I will do my job, night sis love you."

B--"Night love you too." when they walked out, I said, 

B--"Can we finish our date from yesterday?"

M--"What would you like to eat tonight?" I thought about it for a minute and said, 

B--"Pizza, fries, and an Ice cream"

M--"You got it, let's go have fun."

B--"Let's do please" he smiles at me, and I stand up walking back to our room and that is where we stayed all night away from everybody just having fun me and him. 

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