Back In Italy

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It was noon a week after coming back to Italy, we had finished packing all of my mom's stuff and went home the day after who my real dad is and that I have a brother too. I have been cleaning over time trying to save up money to buy a house in Italy so just in case I have a backup, but it is taking longer than expected. 

About a week ago I figured out that I wanted to sell my mom's house trust me it was an extremely difficult decision, but my life is here, and I won't ever go back there unless they make me go back with them and I really need the money for Italy instead of a water, electric, house, insurance, and many other bills back in America. Anyways I need to focus back on cleaning Marcello's office so if he needs to use it, it will be already done. Suddenly I get a call on my phone, and I sigh pulling it out of my pocket and answer it. 

J--"Hi Miss Brie, we have finally sold your house and your money will be in your account by two this afternoon" my eyes started to water, 

B--"Okay, do I need to sign anything else other than the paperwork I sent back to you through the mail?"

J--"No ma'am we have everything squared away." 

B--"Okay thanks John for figuring it out with me not being there."

J--"You welcome Brie have a good day and if the money is not in your account by two, please give me a call and I will figure it out bit for now bye have a good day." 

B--"Okay, and you too bye" 

J--"Bye" I hung up the phone slipping it back into my pocket wiping the tears from my eyes and face before jumping at the sound of his voice, 

M--"Are you okay?"

B--"Yes, would you like me to come back to finish cleaning?"

M--"No you can finish if you want." I nodded my head and grabbed the wood polish and sprayed some on the bookcase and started wiping it down with tears that keep falling down my face and I tried to keep the sob from coming out, but it came out anyways, 

M--"Are you okay and this time do not lie to me." I just lean my head against the bookcase and cry, I was suddenly turned around and brought in for a hug. I welcomed the hug for a minute but when I realized what I am doing I pulled away from him and said, 

B--"I will be back later to finish your office; have a good rest of your day I have to continue cleaning" I walked out of his office and walking down the stairs seeing a bunch of people and I immediately backed up but hit somebody behind me and when I looked up and back towards the person behind me, I see that it is Marcello, 

B--"Sorry sir"

M--"Your fine Brie continue cleaning in the kitchen we need to continue business in here for right now" I nod my head saying a quiet yes sir and walk off to the kitchen I know I shouldn't feel sad because he just spoke coldly to me because he is my boss but for some reason it did. I walked into the dining room and began cleaning it. once it was spotless, I looked out and I see them still conducting business, so I closed the dining room door and walked into the kitchen where I saw a cook,


E--"Hi dear how are you my name is Edna."

B--"My name is Brie, it's very nice to meet you Edna, your cooking is amazing."

E--"Thank you dear, would you like go help me cook?"

B--"I would love to" I walk over to where she was standing and I notice a cutting board with cut vegetables,

E--"I am just starting to cook, I am making backed barbecue pork chops, homemade broccoli and cheese rice, and to finish it off I am doing a mixed vegetables on a sheet pan with cheese baked on it" You can tell she is from America.

B--"This is very American for an Italian family."

E--"Yes but I am eating here tonight so I wanted to cook something I love to eat."

B--"I thought you never eat here?"

E--"I only eat here when the boys are having special bonding time together, alright are we ready to start?" I nod my head and we start cooking, talking, laughing, I even opened up about my house that I just sold, and she had a similar experience, she moved here full time after getting the job and then finding her now husband so she knew that she couldn't move back into the house in America, and that was her childhood home was, so she was sad as well.

E--"Can you check the vegetables while I go and use the bathroom quickly?" I nod my head and she takes off while I grab the oven mit and opened up the stove when I pulled out the vegetables are out and sat on top of the counter, I heard from behind me,

S--"Hey sis"

B--"Hey how are you doing today?" I turned around and smiled at him but it wavered when I see Marcello there as well,

S--"Good just a long meeting, how are you doubt today?"

B--"It's been rough my mom's house sold today, but then I met Edna and she helped me feel better by letting me talk to her about everything" I smiled and them hurriedly pulled out my phone seeing it is four in the afternoon, I quickly checked my bank account and see that the money is in there now I just need to save up a few more thousand to buy a house outright and to have money for the appliances and all that stuff. After supper is done, we joined everybody else and I quickly ate my food before excusing myself from the table and when I got upstairs, I walked straight to the bathroom taking a shower, then starting my nightly routine before finally going to bed and going straight to sleep.

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