The Guy Who Took Pictures

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Everyone has been working overtime to look for the guy that took pictures of me while I just sit around house board out of my mind wishing somebody would let me help with something.

Also me and Marcello haven't been around each all that much, well not alone only at breakfast and dinner but I want to talk to him about what he said, did he really mean that I have been his girl since he saw me? Does that mean we are together? I am just very confused with everything that is happening.

I sigh and look down at my breakfast on the kitchen island and see Edna chopping up a pickle and sprinkling them over my eggs and I give her a smile. I am now 6 weeks pregnant; it has been two weeks of practically being alone while everyone looks for that guy but tomorrow is my next appointment so I hope he can make it matter of fact after I eat most of my food, I thank Edna and then walk up the stairs to Marcello's office and walk straight in without knocking.

M--"Get out whoever it is unless you have information" none of them looking up at me just kept looking at their laptops or tablets,

B--"No I am not getting out I have something to talk to you about and it is important everyone out" there was Marcello, my dad, my brother, Lorenzo, and two guys I have never met before. All but the two guys listened,

M--"Well you heard your queen out of my office" they all looked surprised just like me when he said that but hurried out of his office anyways. I walk over to him and around his desk and lean against it and said,

B--"I just wanted to remind you that our baby appointment is tomorrow if you want to come, if not it's fine I know you are busy with this crazy guy with a camera" he looked at me for a minute and with his intimidating eyes, so I looked to the ground.

M--"Come here Tesoro" he said whole grabbing my hand pulling me directly right in front of him and he pushes up my shirt which I have no bra on and him being him he bites each nipple and then lowered his head to my belly and started kissing it all over and whispered,

M--"I wouldn't miss an appointment to see my prince or princess" I smiled and when he pulled away and stood up giving me a full-on passion filled kiss before breaking it and I said,

B--"Well sir I will be out by the pool while you work" I smiled at him and we gave each other one more quick peck on the lips and I was walking out the door when I turned around and I caught it looking at me and I put that to the side and ask,

B--"Did you really mean I am your queen?"

M--"Yes Tesoro you are and always will be my queen."

B--"So that makes us a couple then?"

M--"Yes you are mine and I am yours" I smiled and nodded my head and walked out looking for Fran and when I see her and Salvator talking by her bedroom door,

B--"Salvator you can gather up the boys he is ready again, as for you Fran we are going swimming" she clapped her hands and went back into her room and Salvator sighed and smiled at me then walked away I furrowed my brows what's wrong with them? Then it clicked, they like each other. I quickly went to my room and grabbed my swimsuit it was way more snug now than it was which I know I am not supposed to show this soon, but I have been snacking a lot more with all the things I have been wanting at random times, but I still want to swim. I walk down the stairs, towel in hand and out the back door where Fran was already tanning so I sit down and we both started tanning together then I had to ask the question that I need to know the answer to,

B--"I have to ask do you and my brother like each other?" She looked over at me probably studying my face then leaned her head back to look straight ahead and I do the same,

F--"We have been having a secret relationship for about a month but was doing stuff together before getting into a relationship, but I found out that... I am pregnant also and we are 4 weeks along today and he wants to make it public, and I am scared that is what we were talking about."

B--"One congratulations! Two never hide who you are in love with okay?" She nods her head smiles at me,

F--"I guess that makes us both aunts now."

B--"I know, and I can't wait!"

F--"Me either!" We went back to looking ahead and I saw a flash and I immediately said to Fran,

B--"Do you have your phone?"

F--"Yes why?"

B--"Just act like normal and call your brother."

F--"What is going on?"

B--"Just act like you are checking out your phone and call him FaceTime please" she did, and he picked up and she pointed the camera towards me and after a second she points it back at her,

M--"Yes girls"

B--"I found your camera guy."


B--"He is photographing me and Fran right now as we speak, we are tanning by the pool and he is in the tree line right straight ahead" he took another picture and Marcello hung up and Fran looks at me and started talking,

F--"Well at least we got him."

B--"Yes and he has no clue what he's getting himself into, I know this might sound weird but I feel sort of violated he has taken pictures of me in a towel with nothing under it and now he is photographing me in a swimsuit" next thing we know we hear, let me go being repeated over and over, I saw Salvator pushing a guy who is handcuffed from the back when they were right beside he looked at me and said that he is going to get you. For some reason I walked in, and I see him tied to a chair right in the middle of the living room and he looked over at me and smirked,

Camera guy--"He gave me something to give to you, it's in my back pocket I look at everyone around me and I walked closer to him and raised up his shirt and picked the white rose out of his pocket and seen a letter that said,

Dear Brie,

I have never been disappointed in my life when it come to you until I find out you are pregnant, and sweetie that could have been our baby if you would have just let me finish the job, I will be coming for you.

Love your dearest Daniel.

B--"Damn it" I walk over to my dad grabbed his gun quickly walking over to the guy point the gun and shooting him in both legs and walking closer to me,

B--"Do you think you have big balls coming here and taking picture of helpless women?" He nodded his head while crying like a bitch, I pointed the gun at his dick and I didn't even have to shoot he started to scream uncontrollable until he suddenly passed out, I stood up handed my dad his gun back,

B--"Sorry I took it without permission."

A--"Your fine" I turned around but turned back around and announced,

B--"If anybody wants to know who sent this piece of crap, it was Danial Jackson" I walked up to Marcello and handed him the rose and he read it while I walked back into the kitchen and I sat down for 10 minutes before I hear a gunshot go off and in came Fran looking like she wants go puke, and in came all the guys with blood all over each of their hands but who came in last shocked me Marcello had blood all over his hands and small splatters of blood all of his shirt,

M--"I am going to go change and I will be right back down" we all nod our heads and after the boys were cleaned up and was helping Edna cook while me, Fran, and Gabriella was sitting down and watch them cook. My mind was somewhere else when suddenly I jumped almost out of my own skim when I felt arms go around me,

M--"Shhh it's okay, it is just me" I sigh and melted into him and stayed in that position until it was time to eat, and we all walked into the dining room and started eating.

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