Headed To Italy

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I was just waking up when I heard something outside and I get up grabbing the gun that I owned just in case somebody messes around when I am home alone which is a lot lately but also my last boss is kind of a mean man.

I walk to the front door pointing my gun at the front door, I tried to look out the side window, but I couldn't see the person, so I just took a deep breath took my gun off safety and opened the door, but I lowered it when I see who it is... my new boss nor my old one.

B--" I am so sorry sir please come in" he came in still looking at me shocked.

M--"Why do you have a gun?"

B--"I live by myself now since my mom is in the hospital and also, I used to have a stalker I know it is weird right?"

M--"What is weird Brie?"

B--"That somebody would stalk me" I pointed down to my body and I sigh and walk back to my bedroom motioning for home to follow me and I went into my closet grabbing two duffle bags and two suitcases.

B--"Sir is this too much to bring?"

M--"Brie it's Marcello and no that isn't too much." He must not like talking much since his answers are short. I then walk back into my closet picking out some leggings and when I was putting then on, I just realized that I am just walking around in a short nightgown and underwear. I sigh and slip them on and grabbed a t-shirt, but I stopped myself walking to the door looking out and I see him sitting on the side of my bed,



B--"Okay... Marcello, what is the dress code?"

M--"Just comfortable we are going to be on a plan for a while" I nod my head walked back in my closet quickly grabbing a bra putting it on then slipping my t-shirt on then my old nikes. When I was done, I walked into the bathroom quickly throwing my hair up in a messy bun, used the bathroom, and then walked out to see none of my suitcases there anymore but Marcello sitting there still,

M--"My driver took them down while you were getting ready, I nod my head walked towards him and grabbed my phone that was laying on the bedside table seeing it is only eleven o'clock and I looked up confused,

M--"I figured that I would give you about ten to fifteen minutes to say goodbye to your mother."

B--"Thank you, are you ready?" I nod my head and place it in the side table once again where it will stay until I come back to see my mom. We walk out of my bedroom, through the hallway that leads to my living room and also my front door, I grabbed my keys off the table that was by my front door then walking out behind Marcello turning and locking the door and when I turned around, I see him still waiting on me. Once we made it to the car or should I say... limo and he opened the door for me, and I slid all the way over and when he got in, he pressed a button and then the driver started driving to the hospital.

I keep playing with the hem of my shirt out of nervousness, what if I don't meet his expectations? What if he hates how I work? What if he hates to see me walk around all the time? What if he fires me and I am left once again with no job and no way to keep my house from foreclosing on me?

M--"Hey are you okay? You are breaking hard over there and not the good kind of breathing hard" I looked over at him and nodded my head looking back out the window,

M--"If you are second guessing that it is fine, and I get that."

B--"No really I am just nervous I have never moved to another state let alone to Italy, but I am sure I want to go" we got out of the car when I noticed that we were at the hospital. We walk in and when I see my mom's nurses, they gave me a bouquet of flowers and I smiled at them saying a quick bye and I walked into my mom's room and she shocks me by saying,


M--"Miss Samantha?"

S--"Hi kiddo how have you been" I just looked back and forth between them confused,

M--"I am doing well; I took over for my father."

S--"Always knew you would, at least are you happy doing it?"

M--"Happy as I can be being the Don of Don's for a few years now but just being a regular Don since I was twenty and dad retired."

B--"Oh no no no" I back away and felt a panic attack coming on and I fell into the chair on the other side of my mom's bed,

B--"I-I can't do t-this a-again"

S--"Honey he is nothing like Daniel, he will not hurt you, he will not follow you if you quit, he is a good guy, okay?" I started crying and I put my head in my hands that were resting on my knees then I felt a hand touch my back and I flinched jumping up from my seat.

M--"I am not going to hurt you Brie, I would never hurt you."

B--"How am I supposed to believe you, Mr. Jackson was nice, and he beat me and my mom every day and he even tried to..." I stopped myself and closed my eyes seeing it all play over in my mind,

S--"Honey please you are going to send yourself into a panic attack that you can't come back from, now can you please listen to me I will explain everything" I nod walking around the other side of the bed away from him and sit down pulling at the hem of my shirt once again.

S--"I had gotten pregnant 3 years of working for the Moretti family when I found out I was pregnant with my baby girl, and they still let me work there anyways and I appreciated them no matter what for that and I also knew that they were in the Mafia from the moment I signed the contract with them. I worked for the family until your sixth grade year of middle school when they moved back to Italy full-time because there base here was destroyed so I had to make to hard design to stay behind so you could finish schooling where you grew up, and when you were done with school you offered to work with me and that is when we found Daniel Jackson you should know that name Marcello" I looked at Marcello's face change from one of happiness from seeing my mom to extremely pissed off when he heard the name.

S--"Honey Daniel is the bad person here not the Moretti family, okay?" I nod my head and even though I was still unsure I still am going to go so I can keep my house just in case I have to move back here for good, and even if I don't, I will have a house to come stay in while I visit my mom.

S--"Now you were supposed to be leaving at noon and it is already noon so you guys have to get going, I love you honey and I am just a call away and I will see you in a couple of weeks" I nod my head and get up to hug her and have her a kiss on the cheek when I was done saying my goodbyes Marcello also leaned down giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek before we waved goodbye and I said I love you and we were out the door. I notice myself walking with just a little more distance than I was doing before we came in. When we reached the car, I was nervous, but I still climbed in and sat looking out my window the entire time with a couple years rolling down my face thinking while on the way to the airport, I hope I made the right decision.

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