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I woke up the next day a little later than usual, so I quickly get up and get dressed and everything that I do in the morning done before quickly trying to find my shoes. Last night I had just finished putting clothes in the laundry when they walked in at one or two in the morning from the club which is why I am beyond tired and woke up late this morning. 

After finding my shoes I quickly open my door and walked down the stairs I walked into the kitchen part where nobody eats in the morning since they are all about eating every meal together. 

B--"Hi Edna good morning do you need help?"

E--"For one child catch your breath and I would love some help I am making vegetable beef stew for their lunches." 

B--"Shit is it that late?" 

E--"Brie it is the weekend you don't have to work the weekends."

B--"I know I just wanted to make some extra cash is all" she nods and i realized something, 

B--"What if it is Saturday then why are you working?"

E--"Here chop these" she hands me a pack of large carrots, and five potatoes to cut up and I start while she continues to answer my question, 

E--"I had to switch my Monday hours for Sundays now, since my husband's switched jobs he used to work on the weekends twelve hour shifts and only eight to three on Fridays and was able to drop off and pick up our son on that days while I work from seven in the morning until five each day, so now my husband has picked up the Monday shift as well and it is a twelve I have to have that day off and he is just going to come to work with me on Saturday's which he is playing outside the back door as we speak until lunch is done" I nod and we continued talking while the stew cooked he suddenly the door busted open and in walked my brother, 

S--"Edna" he whined, 

E--"Salvator what have I told you about whining?"

S--"To not do it, but I am hungry can I test anything out?"

E--"Nope it has only five minutes left so you will have to just wait like everyone else." 

S--"Then why is Brie in here?"

B--"I am in here helping cook not whining for food" I smiled when I said the last part jokingly.

S--"Fine I am going to round everybody that is here up so we can eat!" I just shook my head and he fast walked out of the kitchen, 

E--"Sometimes I feel like I am the mother of my son plus him" we both laughed, and he started scooping out bowls to pass out to everyone. Once they were all done, we walked out in the dining room and seen Fran, Salvator, Gabriella, and Lorenzo. 

F--"I have been looking for you where have you been?"

B--"I helped cook." she nodded her head; I had mentioned yesterday I loved to cook so she didn't question why I helped cook for them. After we passed each bowl out, drinks, and bittered bread we started to walk back into the kitchen to pour me a small bowl full then back to work I go when I was stopped at the doors entry way by Fran asking me a question, 

F--"Why are you eating in the kitchen?"

B--"I am just going to eat a small bowl full before going back to work" when I tried to walk away again she asked once again, 

F--"You don't work on the weekends."

B--"I am doing it for some extra hours, but as soon as I am finished, we can do something, sound okay?" she nods but still looks confused. I walked back onto the kitchen and ate a little bit of stew before walking into the living room and quickly dusting well as fast as you can dusting that is and when I was done with that, I went to the supply closet and grabbed the wood polish and started working on all the wood table and stuff like that. When I was finally done with that I got the sweeper out and started sweeping the floor. 

When I was halfway done sweeping the floor, I had my back facing the front door and I must have been blocking out any noise because I hadn't heard Marcello or my dad walk in the front door and when I went to step back, I ran right into Marcello. I looked behind me and I quickly shut the sweeper off and turned around and said, 

B--" I am sorry sir I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

M--"I need to speak to you, in my office follow me, Angelo go and get something to eat." and he motioned me to follow him, and I smiled at Angelo and followed after Marcello all the way up the stairs. When we made it up the stairs and into his office, I followed him until in front of his desk where I stand, 

M--"Sit" which I do, and I wait for a few minutes in silence while he looks at his phone. When he finally talks, I jump a little not expecting it. 

M--"Why does your log say you worked until 1:55 last night, your also work two hours longer the day before, and you are also working today."

B--"Well I the other day I worked two hours over on accident, but last night is because I had the day off and I had to spend almost all of my little spending money at a restaurant so I figured while you guys were doing your family thing I was going to work and make some of the cash I had missed out on during the day, and today I just worked so I could get some extra money for the house I am trying to buy here and sir I really must be getting back to work or if not working I really need to pick up my stuff" I get up and walked to the door and my hand was on the doorknob when suddenly I was turned so my back was against the door when he walked up to me so close that if I moved an ounce I would be touching my body to his. 

M--"You are to not work on the days you are off, you are to live here while you are working here, when I give you a day off for family you take the whole 24 hours off because you have family here too" I nod my head and he puts both hands on either side of my body and it was quiet for what felt like minutes but in reality as only second and he leans in and was about to kiss me and I let my eyes flutter closed and my face heats up and my eyes snap open when nothing happens and I felt his presence pull away from me and he walks back over to his desk and I quickly turn, opened the door and I walk out shutting his door and walking to my room and laying down on my bed, my face still hot from embarrassment I felt a tear roll down my face... who would want to kiss someone like me anyways. 

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