Frans Birthday Pt. 1

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I didn't get any more than three hours of sleep last night and I get up slowly from my bed at seven in the morning and get ready. Once I was done getting ready, I walked down in the kitchen where I see Edna,

E--"Hey girly, you look like you didn't sleep really well and kind of sad."

B--"Nope but I will be okay. Can I help with Frans birthday breakfast?"

E--"Why of course can you get some eggs, one onion, a bell pepper, and some mushrooms." I nod my head and go grab the ingredients then bringing them back to the counter and chopping them how she told me too, the eggs were done, the bacon was done, and the biscuits and gravy was done when Fran walked in, 

F--"Thank you Edna! You always know my favorite breakfast."

E--"As always Francesca, I am just glad you have a favorite breakfast because with your brother's birthday he can never choose a food for his birthday" they laugh, and I just tense up at the word brother and to make it even worse he comes in the kitchen. 

M--"Good morning, everyone, happy birthday sis" 

F--"Thank you and good morning to you too." I just grabbed a plate and me and Edna started plating it and I hand it to her, and she handed it to Edna, 

E--"Go ahead and get a plate Brie after your help you can definitely get one of the first pick of food" I smiled at her and shook my head saying. 

B--"I am fine, I am not really that hungry but thank you" I turned and looked over at Fran and not Marcello, 

B--"Happy birthday hope you enjoy your day." 

F--"Thank you" I smiled at her and walked out of the kitchen and walked out of the backdoor and passed the pool where people are setting stuff up for her party and I walk to the forest line and sat down against the tree and watch everyone decorate and I eventually closed my eyes and rested my head against the tree but it was cut short when I heard somebody sit down beside me and I opened my eyes and looked left and seen Gabriella sitting beside me with a plate of food.

G--"Here sweetie eat this, me and Edna was talking this morning and she said you were sad about something, and you wouldn't eat anything." 

B--"I am sad, embarrassed, stupid, and made a big mistake."

G--"You are none of them things now tell me what happened."

B--"I can't"


B--"Because it has to do with me and your son."

G--"Just tell me what happened just don't go into detail."

B--"Me and Marcello went to the bathroom but I can't read Italian so I accidently went into the men's, and I accidently caught him doing something... to himself well long story short we ended up doing stuff not sex but some stuff and then he said when we were done that, we shouldn't have done anything like that because I am his friends daughter, his friends sister, and his employee, and I can't help but think maybe it is the way that I look, for instance, my weight, my height, my hair color, hell even my eye color, I don't know but I am just the maid and that is what I will always be" 

I noticed that I am crying so I stood up and quickly made my way into the house before she could say anything. When I walked in, I see Marcello, my dad, my brother, and Fran sitting in the living room. 

S--"Hey sis why are you crying?" I wipe my face and said, 

B--"Nothing important, I am just going to go up to my room, see you guys later" I walked up the stairs when Gabriella walked in and said, 

G--"Brie can we finish talking." 

B--"Later please, I can't right now" I walked up the stairs and laid down on my bed and kept looking out my window when I heard his voice after my door opened and closed. 

M--"Brie can we talk?"

B--"I will have my things packed and ready to leave but can I at least stay for the party?"

M--"I am not firing you."

B--"Then what do you need to talk about sir?"

M--"Brie look at me I need to say something" I get up from my bed and looked at him and said, 

B--"If you are not firing me then get out of my room, please, I am just you employee, I am your maid, that is what I am good for and that will be it for the rest of my life, now have a good day sir" I walked into my bathroom and shut and locked my bathroom door. what I said was true nobody would want a fat maid and it's not even that I wanted to be his girlfriend or something it just happened, and we could have just gone about our business and forgot about it but he had to say because I am his employee like he was ashamed that he did that somebody lower class then him. 

I walked out of the bathroom after a long time just sitting in there and thinking thankfully, he was out of my room, and I walked into my closet and I was going to put the swimming suit that Fran let me borrow last time but I decided to just leave it off and not swim so I threw on a baggy shirt and some spandex shorts on and walked down the stairs and walking past everyone in the living room and walking in the kitchen and I ask once again Edna, 

B--"Can I help you again?" 

E--"Yes are you feeling better?"

B--"No" I said quietly and started helping her cook the food for Frans birthday party. When we were done with everything and had taken everything outside it was time for her party and people had started to show up for it and I would open the door up for everyone and they would hand me their presents and I would put them outside on the gift table and then walk back in and do it all over again. 

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