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It was now Friday which is four days after our pool party and it was the day of my birthday and I just ignore it since it is a sad birthday, this is the first birthday since my mom passed away and I read the letter she had given me before leaving and was directed to read it today on my birthday.

Everybody was in the living room when I sat my cleaning supplies in here, but I continued with my job while they all talked about something I felt yet another tear slips down my face, but I quickly take a deep breath to get my crap together and quickly wipe my face off. As I was picking up stuff and putting it in the correct place when the doorbell rang, and I went to go get it, but Lorenzo opened up the door before I could, so I just went back to cleaning. When he shut the door, he says to me.

L--"Brie honey you have a package, and a bouquet of flowers please take a break from cleaning you have been cleaning for hours" I walk over and see it was the same size of box and same white rises he sends me all the time. I walked over slowly and grabbed them out of his hands, and I grab the card off the flowers before walking to the fire and throwing them in.

F--"Why did you burn them they were beautiful" I didn't answer I just walked over and sat by myself on the couch, and I opened the card after sitting the box down on the table, I read the card,

Dear My beautiful Brie

Happy birthday my sweet, I wish I could be with you but since you betrayed me and went with my enemy, I can't get to you that easily now but mark my work I will have you once again.

Sincerely Danial Jackson

I throw the card down on the table and then looked at the box opening it and I laughed sarcastically,

B--"Never fucking changes, anybody want cake they can have it" I get up and walk into the dining room and started to clean in there, but I heard glass shattering and I immediately walk back into the living room, and I see Marcello recking the living room that I just cleaned I sigh and closed the dining room door and see everybody looking at me even Marcello which is breathing hard from his outburst.

I just walk over to the vase he had just thrown at the wall and started to pick up the big pieces of the vase when somebody keeled down in front of me grabbing the glass from my hand and tugging me to stand up and when I did I see that it is Marcello and he tugged on my hand to follow him before letting go of my hand half way to the couch where he pointed to the seat for me to sit in and I sit and looked around at everybody, the girl were with watery eyes and my dad, brother, Lorenzo, and Marcello al looked beyond pissed.

F--"Why did you tell me your birthday was today when we were making plans for mine for tomorrow."

S--"Why did he send you these things?"

B--"I didn't really want to celebrate without my mom so I didn't bring it up, I forgot that he sends me flowers, the last two years that I have been away from that place and looking for a job he would send me white roses with a note on it and then a pig birthday cake with 'eat up fat slut on it' I am used to it now can I please get back to work?"

M--"No we are going out to the club tonight to celebrate your birthday."

S--"I thought that was business?"

M--"I only have to sign two papers then I am free the rest of the evening."

S--"That sounds good to me!"

F--"Me too"

L--"We can come too" I really didn't want to go to a club but if it will make them all happy then I will go with them, and I just nodded my head when they all started looking at me.

The girls squeaked and grabbed my hands and drug me up to Frans room and they sat me down on her vanity chair and Fran started on my makeup, while Gabriella has gone into my closet and grabbed an outfit for me to wear then she quickly went up to her room and got dressed in classy but yet not with the leather jacket she is wearing that made it fit for the club.

When Fran was done with my makeup Gabriella did my hair, she straightened it then when that was finally done, she walked me over to the bed and I didn't notice earlier but she had three options, there was a dress, heels, and purse combination, there is a band t-shirt, with a black skirt, black leather jacket and heels , then the third one was a outfit that was not my style at all it was a red sparkly slip dress with heels.

G--"Which one would you like to wear?"

B--"Can I have the red slip dress, from the third option, the leather jacket from the second option, and the black heeled boots form the first option."

G--"I love that combination" I quickly slip on the outfit while Fran and Gabriella get ready to. Finally, when we were all done and ready to go, we walked down the hallway and down the stairs and into the living room. When we reached the living room, I see that all the guys had changed too, into their business type suits which are all black. When they looked over at us all their eyes went wide, and I just walked to the front door and out on the front door and out on the porch to get some air.

When they came out of the house three cars had pulled up and Salvator and Fran are friding together, Marcello and Frans parents in the second car and me and Marcello in the third car and then we were off to the club.

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