Pool Day

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I had fallen asleep yesterday after my embarrassment with Marcello and I stay laying in my bed afraid to show my face out in front of everybody, but I know I have to. I get up from my bed walking into my closet grabbing an outfit and walking to the bathroom quickly using the bathroom and brushing my teeth before jumping in and taking a quick shower. When I got out, I dried my hair with the dryer then threw it in a messy bun then quickly threw some clothes on. 

I walk out of my room and down the stairs and was met with Fran and Gabriella sitting by themselves. 

F--"Hey girl what are your plans for today?"

B--"Nothing just probably sitting around." I answered her truthfully, since I am not from around here I have no clue where to go, I don't have my car here it is actually still over there at the neighbor's house since I sold the house and don't have any way to get it here myself since it takes a lot of money to get it here, and I have no clue if I am allowed to go exploring around outside so that leaves me with sitting or cleaning and nobody will let me do that during the weekends. 

F--"Would you like to have a girl's day?"


G--"Okay well I am going to go up and change." 


F--"Yes while the boys are out of business for an hour, we are going to sit by the pool today or swim whatever you prefer." I nod my head and ask, 

B--"Do you have a swimming suit I can borrow that is not very showy?"

F--"Yes I have a ton of swimming suits since we are not allowed to leave the compound a lot, we swim a lot" she said as we walked up the stairs and we walked into her room, and she immediately went into her closet... skipping from happiness. This is good to have girls time since tomorrow is my birthday and I have to work, which means I get to celebrate today. She hands me a black one piece that had Criss cross straps down into a deep v on my cleavage area. 

B--"This is the most conservative one you own?"

F--"Yes, sorry about that"

B--"It is fine I appreciate you letting me borrow one and for letting me join you guys" she smiled and nodded her head then walked back into the closet where she was changing, and she told me I could use the bathroom to change into. When we were all done, we walked down the stairs with our towels and sunglasses on our heads ready for us to wear them.

When I looked up, I am shocked to see all the men standing around and a couple random men I have no clue who they are. 

M--"We are finishing our meeting over lunch, are you girls having a pool day?" I looked away from him and just walked out the sliding door and a couple minutes later the girls followed,

F--"Why didn't you want to talk?" I let them sit down and thought about it for a minute and deciding that I want to tell them what happened. 

B--"Yesterday your brother and son made me feel embarrassed, we were talking then the next he had started to lean in to kiss me and me not thinking straight I leaned in and let my eyes closed, but the kiss never came, and he walked away not saying anything." I noticed that a few tears had fallen down my face and then the sliding door opened and I rested my head back letting the couple last tears fall down my face and when I looked over all of the guys came out even the ones I didn't know was out at the table eating food at the long outside table and when I noticed Marcello looking at me with an emotionless face on I quickly wiped the tears away from my face and lowered my sunglasses and leaned my head back against the chair. 

F--"He is an idiot."

G--"Yes he is I wonder why he would do that to you?"

B--"I wouldn't want to kiss me either" I only moved my eyes to look over at the table and see everybody talking but Marcello in fact he was still looking at me and I just laid my head back against the chairs headrest and listened to the girls talk and chimed in every once in a while. 

F--"So this weekend is my birthday and since the weather is going to be nice, I was wondering if we could have a barbeque and pool day?"

G--"Sounds good to me."

B--"Yeah that sounds like fun." 

F--"Are you guys sure, or do you think it sounds like a little kids party?"

B--"No I think it sounds like a good birthday party, and you are right it is going to be even warmer than today."

F--"I am hungry" me and Gabriella looked at each other and started laughing, 

G--"That was the most random two topics back-to-back" we settled down when we noticed that the two guys we didn't know was leaving and the guys stayed put, 

S--"Are you girls hungry?" Fran raised her hand like she was in school, and he laughed making a plate and walking it over to us and I closed my eyes for a second before I felt a nudge on my right arm, and I look over at Fran and she nodded her head as in look in front of you and I turned my head back around and I see Marcello with a plate extended out for me to take and I slowly take the plate from him and say a small thank you and he just nods and turns around and walks back to the table and starts looking at me and I just push that to the side and sit Indian style and start eating the plate I was handed by Marcello and continued a conversation with Gabriella and Fran before we all decided to help inside the house since we are starting to get a little too tan. 

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