Always Problems

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Me and Marcello left the doctor's office with pictures for literally everyone and I am so glad he or she is doing just fine, it was our ten-week ultrasound but he or she is actually measuring a week bigger so soon I can get the early testing done for the gender if we want.

M--"Hey would you like to get something to eat and then maybe do a little shopping? With me being so busy the last couple weeks I would like to treat you today" I smiled and nod, he turns his turn signal on to go to the right lane and turned into the mall parking lot. 

Once we found a parking spot, I waited for him to come around the car and open the door only after being told, I still never remember to wait of him to open my door for me, but I am trying to. When he helped me out of the car, we walked hand in hand into the mall. I look down at our hands his huge muscular hands that was holding my chubby small hands, I still can't believe he has wanted to be with me, or even liked me enough to have sex with me in the first place, 

M--"Tesoro what is wrong?" his deep voice brought me out of my thoughts I look up at him then back around the mall, looking at the couples that matched each other pretty well then you have me and Marcello, he is a tall, muscular, sexy man while I am over here fat, short, maid we don't match, 

M--"Tesoro don't make me ask you again what is bothering you, you looked happy for a while but then it looked like your emotions flipped a switch."

B--"Sorry I am fine I promise" as we started walking to the store, he wanted to take me into first he said, 

M--"Tell me Brie I need to know what is bothering you?"

B--"I have always realized that we are totally different people, and some people would classify as not being right for each other but now really looking around at everyone else being with somebody they looked perfect and well I definitely don't belong with you." 

M--"Let me stop you right there, I like you for you, like I said a few weeks ago you made an impression on me as soon as we met, I love the way that you have extra to hold on to, I love that when we cuddle I don't feel bones, I love that you like to act like a normal human being and not a fake skinny bitch, so when you say we are not right for each other you are dead ass wrong now let's have a good outing together okay?" I am blushing ten shades of red now when I see an older lady looking at us smiling, 

Lady--"You have an amazing guy honey" I just smile and nod my head while saying, 

B--"Yes I do" I look up at him and I said, 

B--"Can we go to the baby store then? I don't need clothes but now that you have time off, I would love to do some baby shopping with you!" he nods and kisses me on the forehead. We took off and went to bye bye baby and we started to look around, 

B--"Do you want white or stained wood for the nursery?"

M--"I like the stanned wood" we walked to that part rather than the white painted stuff and I saw a dresser that I really loved, it was big with a lot of drawers in it and a small section that you can hang stuff up if needed, Marcello walked up to me and said, 

M--"Do you want this one?"

B--"Do you think it is still too soon to buy anything, what if something happens?"

M--"Nothing will happen, but even if there is a slight chance that something does happen, we will try again for as long as you will have me." I nod my head and point to the dresser, 

B--"I like this, and I like the rocking chair, and dresser that comes with it, I think they both are beautiful, but the package is so expensive." 

M--"We will take this bundle please" he said to the worker that passed by us and he nodded and walked away I looked at him with a pointed look he just smirks and shrugs his shoulders and then his phone rings, I sigh and say, 

B--"Well there goes our day together."

M--"It might not be anything." he answered and started listening to the other person on the line, 

M--"Fuck, okay be there shortly try and track him down" he hangs up and looks at me, 

M--"Okay it is something we have to go" I nod my head and he walks up to the cashier, 

M--"Hello I just told a guy that I wanted the one bundle back there, we will need it to be delivered to my house in two days' time I have to leave it is urgent" after she asked the name and address and we paid for it we were out the door.

Once we made it halfway he finally told me about the call he received, my brother said that the guy that was supposed to be tracking him said that his point of the map which indicated that they could track him anywhere and now the point disappeared after they saw it move from his home to the airport and they have no clue where he is going.

Once we were home he gave me a kiss then walked up the stairs which I followed but went the opposite way and walked down the hallway to our room, when I walked in I dropped my purse on the bed and placed the picture I got for everybody right beside it and when I got the weird feeling like I was being watched and when I went to turn around I was grabbed and a cloth being pushed against my mouth, I tried to fight back while holding my breath but the longer I fought back the harder it was for me to hold my breath and once I couldn't anymore I breathed in the drug and I was out almost instantly thinking that I hope my baby will be fine and how I loved everyone here.

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