Laundry Room 18+

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It has been a few days since our night together and I can't stop thinking about it, and the thought of wanting to do it again is too much for my body to handle and it doesn't help that I my dreams are waking me up soaking wet. I have to keep away from him at all times or I don't know what I am going to do with myself, and not to mention sound stupid.

I shook my head and continue restacking the towels, sheets, and washcloths that I just washed, I always put two towels, washcloths, and an extra pair of sheets in each room and leave the rest in the laundry room.

When I was bending over to pick up the sheet that I had dropped on accident when I felt somebody press up against my butt and rub up and down my back and I tensed about to stand up and leave just in case it was somebody bad,

M--"Stay just like that." I do as I was told, and he slowly pulled my shirt up now rubbing it without any clothes in between and it feels amazing,

M--"I see you hurt your back earlier, is it starting to feel better."

B--"Yesss" I moan out softly when he touched the side of my boob since I have no bra it is being washed right now.

M--"I miss your sounds" just then he raised my skirt that I clean in and pulled my underwear to the side,

B--"Marcello, please" I asked him for something I just don't fully know what it is, either sex or foreplay.

He didn't say anything he just kept rubbing my back, up and down, up and down. Suddenly he plunged in what had to be three fingers,

B--"Thank you, thank you, thank you" he started to thrust his fingers in and out of me when suddenly he pulls out of me and sticks his cock in me and my mouth was open, but no sounds came out,

B--"Please faster" he did indeed give me that he went a speed that was faster than our first night together when I asked. I gripped onto the dryer, he reached down and grabbed a handful of hair and pulled just a little bit and that brought me more pleasure than I thought, it brought me so much that I was already to cum and by the way that he is turning sloppy with his thrust also which tells me he is close too.

B--"Marcello please I need to cum" I have no clue why I asked his permission, but I felt like I needed to.

M--"Ughhh, wait.... now, cum now Tesoro" I cum right when he did but the only thing that was different is I moan at the hot stream being shot in me and not on my back. I might be breathing hard and still turned on, but I said freaked out.

B--"Marcello" he finally let go of my hair and helped me stand with his dick still inside me and the move made me turned on, but I bite my lip to stop the moan coming our but not the clench that clench his cock in me.

B--"You didn't use a condom, or you didn't pull out of me" he groaned, and I swear I felt him get hard inside me which caused me to moan. He pulls out of me and turns me around and sits me on the folding table they have for me in here to use and he lifts me up on the edge of it and thrusted in me all so quickly.

I wrap my legs around him and pushed him in closer to me and he places a hand on the back of my neck to lay my head against his chest and I wrap my arms around his waist. The way that we are was like we were a couple; we were being so intimate and the way that we were so close there was no room in between us and him thrusting into me. We both came moaning loudly not caring who hears. He suddenly lays flat on the ground and motions me down to him and he said breathless,

M--"Come here, ride me that is exactly what I did. From this angle I is completely different he feels so deep, and I toss my head back and started bouncing and I didn't take much for either of us too cum. We stayed there for a while until we both calmed down. I slowly got off of him and I was sore, and he asked me,

M--"What is wrong?"

B--"J-just sore that i-is all" I didn't look at him and looked at the laundry that was still on the ground.


B--"Yes sir?"

M--"Don't call me sir and are you okay? Do you need anything?"

B--"I can get cleaned up by myself sir you don't have to after our time together I will continue work after I shower" I get up and try not to wince too much and continue to walk but I am really sore, so I stop in my step to get my baring's when I was picked up and the door opened,

B--"Put me down please."

M--"No I shouldn't have taken you three times when it was only your second time having sex" I laid my head on his chest when I saw Edna standing there looking at us shocked.

When we get upstairs, he sits me down on my bed and walks into my bathroom and I heard the shower turn on and I stand up to go in there when he came out of the bathroom and walks over to me and picks me up and walks me into the bathroom and stands me in front of the sink.


B--"You can leave" I turned around taking my shoes, shirt, skirt, and underwear off before walking into the shower and walked into the warm water letting it hit my body, when he walked up behind me,

M--"Let me help you" I close my eyes and say,

B--"But we are not together and you helping me after is messing with me right now, I will be fine just um give me a few minutes for a shower then I promise I will finish my work, I won't let it affect my work."

M--"Let me help you, please" I stayed quiet not knowing if I should or not but as soon as he snaked his arms around my waist, I couldn't help but lean back against him feeling too tired to fight him anymore. After we washed each other off and dried off he picks me back up and put me on my bed and pulls my comforter up on me and said,

M--"Please get some rest I will come up and get you when dinner is done." I nod my head and fall into a deep sleep.

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