4) cheaters

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Scott, Stiles, and Sofia were in class when Scott had informed them about Derek not being the alpha or being the one who bit Scott. "If Derek isn't the alpha if he's not the one who bit you then who did" Stiles asked.

"I don't know" Scott said.  "Did the alpha kill the bus driver" Stiles asked. "I don't know" Scott said. 

"Does Allison's dad know about the" Stiles asked. "I don't know" Scott said annoyed.

The teacher gave Sofia and Stiles their grade before moving to the front of the class. Sofia and Stiles had noticed Scott's grade.

"Dude, you need to study more" Stiles said.  "That was a joke Scott it's one test you're gonna make it up" Stiles said. "Do you want help studying" Stiles asked.

"No, I'm studying with Allison after school today" Scott said. "Your what now" Sofia asked. "As friends of course I already promised her" Scott said.

Sofia sighed looking down. "Sof" Scott tried to say. "Don't" Sofia said, and Scott sighed.


Sofia was walking in the halls when she bumped into someone nearly falling but he luckily caught her. "Derek" Sofia said once she looked up.

"Sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" Sofia said. "It's fine do you know where Scott is" Derek asked. "I think he's outside" Sofia said. "You okay" Sofia asked.

"You don't look so good" Sofia said. "I got shot I need Scott's help" Derek said.

"Okay come on let's go find him" Sofia said and led Derek outside in front of Stiles's jeep when he was about to drive but stopped seeing them.

Derek fell to the ground and Scott and Stiles came over to him. "What are you doing here" Scott asked Derek. "I was shot" Derek said. "He's not looking so good dude" Stiles said. 

"Why aren't you healing" Scott asked. "Maybe because he can't" Sofia said.

"It was a different kind of bullet" Derek said. "A silver bullet" Stiles asked. "No, you idiot" Derek said.

"Wait that's what she meant when she said you had 48 hours" Scott said. "What who said 48 hours" Derek asked. "The one who shot you" Scott said and Derek's eyes started to glow.

"What are you doing" Scott asked. "Stop that" Scott said. "I don't think he can help it" Sofia said. "She's right I can't" Derek said.

"Derek get up" Scott said and people started getting out of their cars to see what the holdup was. "Help me put him in your car" Scott told Stiles. "I have to go I'll see you around Derek please don't die on me" Sofia said running off.


Stiles asked Sofia to go to Allison's to see why Scott wasn't answering his phone. She had gone in after not hearing anyone answer the door she had went upstairs after not finding him downstairs.

Sofia went in Allison's room seeing a sight she wished she hadn't seen.

Scott had pulled away from the kiss with Allison after seeing Sofia. "Sofia it's not what it looks like" Scott said.

"Really because it looks look my boyfriend is cheating on me you know I knew something was going on between you two it was obvious" Sofia said. "Boyfriend oh crap" Allison said sitting up.

"Sofia I am so sorry okay he told me you were just friends I am really sorry" Allison said.

"Don't be it doesn't matter I knew something changed the moment he laid eyes on you he's all yours" Sofia said and left.

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