5) attacked

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Sofia was with Lydia and Jackson after the two had insisted on cheering her up after her breakup with Scott. "Now Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever it is the best sports movie ever made" Jackson said.

"No" Lydia said. "It's got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper" Jackson said. "No" Lydia said.

"Lydia, I swear you're gonna like it" Jackson said. "No" Lydia said. "I am not watching the notebook again" Jackson said.

"You know you're going to give in like last time and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that" Sofia said. Lydia had whispered something in Jackson's ear.

"Come on Sof help me find it" Jackson said and Sofia and Jackson got out of the car going to look for the movie.


"Can somebody help us find the notebook" Jackson asked. "Hello, is anybody working here" Jackson asked again.

"You gotta be kidding me" Jackson said. "Where is everyone" Sofia asked. "No idea come on" Jackson said and Sofia followed Jackson. Jackson and Sofia both had saw a dead body. "Is that" Sofia asked. "Yeah" Jackson said.

Jackson and Sofia then heard a low growling. Sofia pulled Jackson to hide behind a bookshelf.

Bookshelves had started to fall as Jackson pushed Sofia out of the way jumping out himself just in time.

Sofia had saw the alpha on top of Jackson as he observed Jackson's neck howling before he saw Sofia and she was about to run, and he ran to her pulling her down as she panicked and screamed.

The alpha had scratched her as she used her arms to shield her face and then the alpha heard police alarms as he quickly ran off.


"Why can't I just go home I'm fine" Jackson said. "I hear ya but the EMT says you hit your head pretty hard they just wanna make sure you don't have a concussion" Noah said. 

"What part of I'm fine are you having a problem grasping okay I wanna go home" Jackson said.  "And I understand that" Noah said. 

"No, you don't understand which kind of blows my mind since it should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum wage rent a cop like you okay now I wanna go home" Jackson said.

"Sofia you okay" Noah asked as she quickly hid her arm. "Yeah, fine oh there's my dad bye Sheriff" Sofia said as she quickly left.


Sofia was at home looking at the scratch on her arm when she felt a gust of wind and when she looked up, she saw Derek.

"Derek" Sofia said. "Hey, I heard the alpha attacked you" Derek said. "Are you okay" Derek asked. "Yeah, it's just a scratch" Sofia said. "Let me see" Derek said walking closer to her.

Derek had examined her scratch. "Why didn't he kill you" Derek asked. "Probably because of the police car sirens" Sofia said.

"Yeah maybe" Derek said. "You should probably keep that covered up just in case" Derek said after a moment.

"Okay will do" Sofia said and smiled at him and Derek couldn't help but smile back almost like her smile was contagious. "I uh should probably go let you get some rest" Derek said breaking the silence.

"Yeah, yeah of course see you around" Sofia said. "Yeah, see you" Derek said and left through the window.


"Just a friendly reminder parent teacher conferences are tonight students below a c average are required to attend I won't name you because the shame and self-disgust should be more than enough punishment" Mr. Harris said.

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