7) weaponized

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Since Sofia and Lydia took their SATS their freshmen year they had the day off school.

Sofia and Derek were at the hospital waiting for Braeden to wake up when Melissa walked in, and Derek and Sofia moved out of the way.

Melissa put Naloxone in her Iv. "What's that" Derek asked. "Naloxone we need to wake her up" Melissa said. "I thought you said she needed to rest" Derek asked.

"Yeah, I thought so too" Sofia said. "That was before I found out the CDC just put the high school under quarantine with Scott and Stiles still in there" Melissa said. Braeden suddenly woke up sitting up.

"Braeden, Braeden look at me you were shot but you're in the hospital now and you're fine" Melissa said.

"Do you understand" Melissa asked and Braeden looked at Sofia and Derek then looked at Melissa and nodded.

Sofia noticed she was losing her vision as she kept squinting her eyes seeing everything was getting blurry. "Good, okay, last night you were in the woods, and you came across another pack" Melissa said.

"Do you know what happened to them" Melissa asked.

"I told you they were poisoned" Derek said. "No, no they were infected it was a virus designed to kill werewolves, and it did, it killed them all" Braeden said.

When Derek and Melissa went to leave Sofia went to follow them when she suddenly fell on the floor and Derek looked back and went to her worried.

"Fia" Derek said. "I can't see, I can't see" Sofia said and Derek looked at Melissa worried.


Braeden eventually went back to sleep as Sofia was leaned against Derek and Derek was holding her hand worried while he kept an eye on Braeden.

"What are you still doing here" Braeden asked once she woke up once again.

"Keeping an eye on you and my fiancée here" Derek said. "She still can't see" Braeden asked. "No" Derek said worried.

Then they head a knock as Melissa came in. "Derek, I think there's someone here you've been trying to find" Melissa said and Satomi came in.


Deaton, Sofia, Derek, Satomi, and Melissa were in an empty hospital room with Sofia leaned against Derek as Derek held her talking about the poison that affected the werewolf Melissa tried to save.

"It a variant of canine distemper a few years ago an outbreak in Yellowstone killed 40% of the wolf population" Deaton said.

"What's it going to do to our wolf population" Melissa asked.

"Well, it's been altered to infect quite a bit faster" Deaton said. "Yeah clearly" Sofia said as she still wasn't able to see.

"You mean it's been weaponized" Derek asked. "It infected my whole pack" Satomi said.

"Everyone, except for you that's the real question" Deaton said. "Did you not get infected or are you immune" Deaton asked.


"If your pack was infected then who was doing all the shooting at the entrance to the woods" Deaton asked.

"Apparently another assassin personally I'd rather face a gun than a variant of smallpox" Satomi said. "Sounds like you're going to get plenty of chances" Melissa said and Satomi kept looking at Derek and he noticed.

"Sorry I just noticed how much you remind me of Talia I used to visit her a lot you know" Satomi said. "Do you remember me" Satomi asked.

"I remember the tea you always brought that tea that smelled terrible" Derek said.

"I brought that tea as a gift your mother loved" Satomi said. "What kind of tea" Deaton asked. "What" Satomi said.

"The tea with the smell, what kind was it" Deaton asked.

"Reishi wolf purple reishi it's very rare" Satomi said. "It's also a very powerful remedy for sickness Satomi you didn't get sick because you've been inoculated" Deaton said.

"Okay, okay how rare is it can we find it" Melissa asked. "We don't have to my mother kept some of it it's in our vault" Derek said.


Melissa came back to the room after being informed Scott and the others were okay. "Okay what about Fia" Derek asked.

"I think I have some extra" Satomi said and gave the Reishi to Derek who quickly put Sofia on the empty table and helped Sofia eat the Reishi. "Come on Fia don't do this to me come on it's not your time don't leave me" Derek said as they all waited for Sofia to open her eyes.

Sofia eventually opened her eyes and Derek let out a breath of relief.

Sofia sat up and saw Derek. "I'm so sick of this town" Sofia said and they all laughed.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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