13) new friends

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Kitsunes and Dark spirits

(Episode 13-24)


Sofia walked into school on the phone trying to get ahold of Derek for the millionth time. "Derek I am getting worried" Sofia said. "Where are you" Sofia asked.

"Call me back love you" Sofia said and hung up before going to Lydia.

"Hey Sof, beautiful as always" Lydia said and Sofia smiled. "Hey Lyds you always know how to brighten my day" Sofia said.

"That's what besties are for" Lydia said and Sofia shook her head smiling.

They noticed Allison rush in the school scared. "Ugh her" Sofia said. "Be nice" Lydia said and went towards Allison.

"Be nice to the girl I was cheated on with and who almost killed my boyfriend yeah no promises" Sofia said and went to Lydia. "Allison are you okay" Lydia asked and Allison nodded.


Stiles noticed Scott freaked out by his shadow and grabbed onto him snapping him out of it.

"Hey, hey you alright" Stiles asked and Scott nodded. "You don't look alright Scott" Stiles said. "I'm okay" Scott said.

"No, you're not it's happening to you too" Stiles said. "You're seeing things aren't you" Stiles asked.

"How'd you know" Scott asked and Lydia, Sofia, and Allison came over. "Because it's happening to all three of you" Lydia said.


Lydia, Sofia, Stiles, Scott, and Allison had gone in the school. "Well, well look who's no longer the crazy one" Lydia said. "We're not crazy" Allison said. "Really because it seems like you are" Sofia said.

"Hallucinating sleep paralysis yeah you guys are fine" Lydia said. "We did die and come back to life that's gotta have some side effects right" Scott said and the bell rang.

"We keep an eye on each other okay and Lydia stop enjoying this so much" Stiles said as he, Scott, and Allison left.

"What" Lydia said and noticed Sofia on the phone. "You coming" Lydia asked. "Yeah, I'll catch up in a sec" Sofia said and Lydia left.

"Peter it's Sofia I swear if you got my boyfriend killed, I will find you and tear you, limb from limb call me back and let me know if you guys are okay" Sofia said and hung up.


"Good morning, everyone my name is Mr. Yukimura I'll be taking over for your precious history teacher" Mr. Yukimura said as Sofia, Scott, and Stiles were in class.

"My family and I moved here three weeks ago I'm sure by now you all know my daughter Kira, or you might not since she's never actually mentioned anyone from school or brought a friend home for that matter" Mr. Yukimura said and everyone looked at Kira who lifted her head from the desk waving.

Sofia noticed how Scott looked at Kira and she knew that Scott was in awe of her, and Sofia actually liked Kira it wasn't like with Allison she just had a good feeling about Kira.

Everyone had turned their heads back to the front of the class paying attention. "Either way there she is now let's begin with American History at the turn of the 20th century" Mr. Yukimura said.


Sofia was with Scott and Stiles at Stiles's locker when she happened to see Kira and walked up to her. "Sofia hello" Mr. Yukimura said. "Hello and you must be Kira" Sofia said to Kira.

"That's me new girl teacher's daughter little embarrassing" Kira said.

"Actually, I think it's cool I was close with my dad my mom died when I was really young and ever since then my dad and I were closer than ever, and I had no one else but my dad no grandparents' uncles' aunts or whatever they all live across the country like in Tennessee or something, but I would give anything to see my dad again I think it's pretty cool your dad is a teacher" Sofia said.

"Was as in, he's" Kira said. "Dead yeah it's just me but don't worry I'm fine but anyways at least now you can say you made a friend we should catch up" Sofia said and left.


Sofia was at home when there was a knock on the door. She had got up and answered it. "Kira hey come in" Sofia said and she did.

"I hope it's okay I stopped by" Kira said. "What yeah of course" Sofia said. "You live here alone" Kira asked. "I'm usually not here much anymore I'm usually at my boyfriend's anymore I actually haven't been here in a while" Sofia said.

"Oh, okay cool" Kira said. "I'm sorry if I made things weird, I just thought you were cool and" Sofia said.

"No, you didn't okay just surprised me is all" Kira said and Sofia nodded. "My best friend Issac is running a little late" Sofia said. "Do you want to have some pizza and watch a movie before you go" Sofia asked. "Yeah, I'd like that, thanks" Kira said and Sofia smiled.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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