3) mourning

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After the ambulance had taken Sofia's dad's dead body Noah had taken Sofia home. "Sofia" Noah said, and Sofia looked.

"I promise you we will find out who did this but in the meantime is there anyone you can stay with or someone who can stay with you" Noah asked.

"No, my mom died when I was 5 years old, and my grandparents died before I was born my dad was the only child it's just me" Sofia said. "Well, is there at least anyone I should call or" Noah said.

"Derek, Lydia, and Isaac but their probably busy I'll call them later" Sofia said.

"You sure" Noah asked. "Yes, I'm sure besides I need a moment to grief and figure out where I'm going to live" Sofia said and Noah nodded.

"Stay safe" Noah said before leaving. Sofia had gone in the house locking the door behind her going up to the couch laying down but not before texting Issac, Derek, and Lydia the news.


"Is it, them" Scott asked seeing footsteps. "We're not the only ones that decided to stick together" Derek said.

"Is that gonna make it easier or harder to catch them" Scott asked. "I don't know" Derek said.

"Derek, I saw Boyd try to rip two little kids apart" Scott said. "Are they gonna do that to everyone they find" Scott asked. "Everyone and anyone" Derek said.


Derek and Scott had found Cora and Boyd go after an innocent who was camping. Isaac had come to help them, and they chased them off the campsite.

Stiles had called Scott to tell Scott and Derek the news about the dead body.

"Can you get a little closer to make sure it was them" Scott asked. "Make sure it was them Scott who else is going around ripping throats off" Stiles asked. "Please just do it" Scott said and Stiles did.

"This doesn't make any sense the public pool is all the way on the other side of the woods we haven't tracked them anywhere near there" Derek said.

"Derek, they keep killed someone" Scott said. "How are they moving so fast" Derek asked. "Derek" Scott said. "But they can't be that fast on foot" Derek said.

"They killed someone some totally innocent kid is dead and it's our fault" Scott said. "It's my fault" Derek said before his phone home went off along with Issac and they looked.

"Oh no" Derek said. "What is it" Scott asked seeing their facial expressions. "It's Sofia they just found her dad's body" Derek said.

"He's dead" Scott asked. "Yeah, Sof went out for a walk and found him" Issac said and Scott sighed.


Later on, after Derek and Scott had managed to catch Boyd and Cora and took them back to Derek's. Derek had gone to Sofia's to comfort her with the loss of her father.

Sofia was laying on the couch when she had heard the door open. She had looked and saw Derek. "How'd you get in" Sofia asked.

"Spare key under the mat I remember you telling me" Derek said. "Oh right" Sofia said and Derek went to her lifted her head up and sat down placing her head on his lap playing with her hair.

"It's okay I'm here, I'm here" Derek said. "Mind if I help" Sofia heard a familiar voice say and saw Issac.

"Yeah, come on" Derek said and Issac moved Sofia's feet before sitting down and placing them on his lap. The two had stayed with Sofia all night comforting her in every way she needed.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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