5) I.E.D.

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The next day Scott went to the loft and knocked on the door. Derek answered the door only wearing his boxers and saw Scott.

"Scott come in" Derek said and Scott did. "Sorry I didn't know you weren't dressed" Scott said. "I was just getting changed to drop Fia off" Derek said.

"Oh, right speaking of Sofia where is she" Scott asked. "In the shower" Derek said and Scott nodded.

"I heard you proposed" Scott said. "Yeah, best decision I ever made" Derek said. "But so soon" Scott asked. "Don't start" Derek said.

"Start what" Scott asked. "You had your chance with her you had your chance, and you blew it, and this is my chance and I'm not going to blow it because we are meant for each other" Derek said and Sofia came down.

"What's going on" Sofia asked. "Nothing just wanted to talk to Derek about something" Scott said and left.

"Do I want to know" Sofia asked Derek. "Probably not" Derek said, and Sofia nodded.


Scott asked for Derek and Sofia's help with Liam so they were currently out of sight so Liam couldn't see them.

Liam didn't see his stick as he started looking for it. "Where's my stick" Liam asked. Then Liam heard a noise as he went to go look seeing Derek had it. "Is this yours" Derek asked then he broke it in half throwing it in front of him.

Liam looked at it then looked at him with his eyes glowing. Derek just gave him a look and Liam ran to him, but Derek pinned him to the locker with one hand as Liam was growling and snapping at him.

"Liam" Scott said as Sofia and Scott approached them. "You're right he is angry" Derek said.

Derek let go of him and Liam caught his balance. "Gotta admit that was kinda hot" Sofia said and Derek smiled.

Scott held up a lacrosse stick showing Liam. "This one's yours" Scott said.

Scott tossed it to Liam who glared at Derek when the bell rang. "Get to class Liam" Scott said and Liam looked at him before glaring at Derek again and leaving. "Aw you hurt the new beta's feelings how sad" Sofia said sarcastically.

Derek smiled at Scott as Scott and Sofia noticed. "What are you smiling about" Scott asked. "You're gonna be good at this" Derek said.

"Are you kidding I am totally unprepared remember how you said you could teach me a few things I think right now I could use a full-on training manual" Scott said.

"I'll tell you one thing" Derek said. "That anger he's got it'll make him strong" Derek said.

"And dangerous" Scott added. "Very" Derek said, and Scott sat down. "This was supposed to be the semester I could focus on school again" Scott said and Derek sat next to him.

"Well things change unfortunately" Sofia said. "But Kate's back and I've got a beta and there's a dead pool" Scott said.

"If all our names are on that list, then that's what we should be focused on" Derek said. "Do you think Lydia can get that second key" Derek asked. "We better hope so" Sofia said. "She's working on it" Scott said.


Sofia was heading towards the game when she saw Brett. "I just wanted to say" Liam said making Sofia worried he was going to hit him.

"Have a good game" Liam said extending his hand and Sofia caught up to Mason.

Brett laughed at him before replying. "That's cute Liam" Brett said. "Is that what they told you to say in anger management apologize and everything's fine" Brett asked.

"You demolished Coach's car" Brett said. "I paid for it" Liam said. "Yeah, you gonna pay for it we're gonna break you in half out there and it's gonna be all your fault" Brett said and Sofia made her way in front of Liam.

"Well, you look like a treat maybe you should come with me instead of protecting this loser and I can show you a good time" Brett said.

"Please I could break you in half" Sofia said and Scott and Stiles made their way over with Stiles getting in front of Sofia.

"Hey, what's going on prep students welcome to our little public high school" Stiles said.

"How you, doing" Stiles asked offering his hand which Brett didn't take. "That's a nice handshake you got there uh we're very excited for scrimmage tonight uh but let's keep it clean alright no rough stuff out there alright, see you on the field" Stiles said. "Go" Stiles told Sofia, Liam, and Scott and they went.


Scott and Stiles was trying to get Liam to calm down with Sofia off to the side. "Okay you calm yet" Stiles asked and Liam just roared, and they slammed him back in the shower.

Liam started to calm down. "Okay, okay" Liam said and Stiles turned off the shower while Liam sat down. "You could've helped" Stiles told Sofia.

"You looked like you had it covered" Sofia said and Stiles just shook his head before focusing back on Liam. "That car you smashed I thought you said that was your teacher's" Scott said.

"He was also my coach he benched me for the entire season" Liam said. "What did you do" Scott asked.

"I got a couple of red cards" Liam said. "Just a couple" Stiles asked, and Sofia went up to him and whacked his head and Liam smiled at her.

Scott bent down to Liam. "You gotta be honest with us" Scott said. "What else happened" Scott asked. "Nothing, I got kicked out of school" Liam said. "They sent me to a psychologist for evaluation" Liam explained.

"What did they call it" Scott asked. "Intermittent explosive disorder" Liam said.

"I.E.D you're literally an I.E.D that's great" Stiles said. "That's great you gave powers to a walking time bomb" Stiles said and Sofia glared at him.

"Would you stop" Sofia asked. "It's not like he can help it" Sofia said. "Did they give you anything for it" Scott asked. "Risperdal it's a. antipsychotic" Liam said. "Oh, this just gets better" Stiles said. "Stiles, I mean it" Sofia said.

"But I don't take it" Liam said. "Obviously" Stiles said. "I will kick you" Sofia said.

"I can't play lacrosse on it; it makes me too tired" Liam explained. "Okay I think you should bail out of the game tell Coach your leg is still hurting" Scott said.

"No, no" Liam said and both Scott and Liam stood up. "I can do this especially if you're there" Liam told Scott.

"Aw like father like son" Sofia said happily. "But Liam it's not just about the game we think whoever killed Demarco might be on our team" Scott said.

"Who's, Demarco" Liam asked. "The one who brought the beer to the party the guy who was beheaded remember" Stiles asked.

"We think the person who ordered the keg killed Demarco" Scott said and Liam realized something. "Liam, what, you know something" Scott asked.

"I don't know who ordered the keg, but I know who paid for it" Liam said.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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