10) saving everyone

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Sofia had gone to the hospital with Issac to check on Lydia. Allison had come back and went to Issac and Sofia. "I can't get a hold of Derek or Scott" Issac said.

"I've tried calling Derek and Scott both no answer something's wrong" Sofia said.

"How's Lydia" Issac asked. "She's got bruising on her neck they're taking her to a hospital downtown because Beacon Memorial is being evacuated" Allison said.

"Evacuated" Sofia asked. "The storm's that bad" Issac asked. "It will be, and I overheard an EMT saying the backup generators might be too old to last if the power goes out" Allison said.

"Beacon Memorial that's where Cora is right" Issac asked. "Yeah" Sofia said, and Argent approached them.

"I'm taking the three of you home" Argent said. "No, I have to get to the hospital I can't leave Cora there with just Peter" Issac said about to leave.

"Wait for me I'm coming with" Sofia said following him. "Issac, Sofia" Argent said and they faced him. "I'll drive" Argent said.


Issac, Allison, Sofia, and Argent had made it to the hospital when Isaac and Sofia noticed the look on Argent's face.

"I'm gonna take that as a sign you're a little worried" Issac said. "Stay close to me" Argent said and they started walking with Argent having his gun ready. 

Issac and Sofia both had heard something. "I think I heard something" Issac said. "Me too" Sofia said. "Where" Allison asked. "Below us" Issac said.


Scott had appeared in front of Argent just as he was about to shoot but backed down once he saw it was Scott.

Melissa had son joined Scott and saw Argent, Allison, Sofia, and Issac. "Anyone ever, tell you don't sneak up on anyone with a gun" Sofia said before they all headed to an empty room.

"So, then they're essentially trapped" Argent said. "Yeah, right there's no way of getting them out without turning the power back on" Scott said.

"Well one of us is going to save my boyfriend from the girl who killed my father either willingly or not your choice" Sofia said.

"But wait, wait, wait if the power's back on, they're gonna hear the elevator moving right and they'll be on Jennifer and Derek as soon as it stops, we can't just get in a fight with them" Issac said.

"You've got us now" Argent said. "It's too much to risk they want her dead and if she dies there's nothing we can do for Stiles's dad or Cora" Scott said.

"I don't even think I know which teacher this is" Argent said. "She's the one with the brown hair she's kind of hot" Issac said and they all looked at him.

"No, it's just, just an observation" Issac said. "Yeah sure" Sofia said. "I've got an idea" Allison said.


Isaac and Sofia were in the car waiting for Allison's signal. "You know I could've helped Allison" Sofia said.

"Sofia please I need you here with me" Issac said. "Why" Sofia asked. "Because" Issac said but stopped. "Because" Issac tried to say again but stopped once again.

"You are not just my best friend you're my sister" Issac told Sofia and she looked at him.

"Okay and I can't lose you I won't okay I don't think I'll survive without you" Issac said and Sofia nodded.

"Okay" Sofia said and then they started paying attention to the phone again watching for the signal and then Allison came into view. "You ready" Allison asked.

"Yeah" Issac said. "You're not nervous are you" Allison asked. "Do I look nervous" Issac asked.

"No not at all" Allison said before facing Argent. "Liar" Sofia said to herself. "Did he look nervous" Argent asked. "Terrified" Allison said.

"Yeah, I can still hear you very, very clearly" Issac said. "Just go as soon as you see them okay" Allison told Isaac. "Yeah, yeah I got it" Issac said. Moments later Sofia and Issac had saw the twins and Issac drove off heading towards the ambulance Stiles and Cora were in.


Issac had parked the car and he and Sofia had got out as Stiles opened the ambulance doors. "Alright come on, come on, come on" Issac said approaching Stiles with Sofia.

Stiles and Peter had got out of the ambulance with Peter carrying Cora. "I got her okay get the door" Peter said and Sofia opened the door.

Peter had put Cora in the back before rushing to the other side getting in himself. Isaac and Sofia had noticed Stiles wasn't getting in the car. "Stiles let's go" Issac said.

Stiles then ran off without saying anything. "Stiles" Sofia said before she and Issac got in the car. 


"Come on we gotta go" Peter said to Issac but he didn't budge. "Drive you idiot" Peter said. "I will come back there and punch you" Sofia said.

"I can't not without Scott" Isaac said. "As much as I can't stand Scott, we can't leave him" Sofia said. "Come on you want the Argents dead too make a choice" Peter said.

"Go now" Peter said after a moment. "Alright" Isaac said and drove off.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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