8) visionary

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Sofia was with Derek after last night's events at who knows where and she went up to him seeing Derek laying on the ground.

She sighed wishing there was more she could do so instead she went around him and laid in front of him.

Derek had pulled her closer needing her comfort. "It's not your fault" Sofia said.

"Kind of feels like it is" Derek said. "I promise it's not you couldn't have known if anyone is to blame it's them not you, you did everything you could you're the same man I fell in love with okay nothing is your fault you are not to blame for this" Sofia said and Derek smiled.

"I'm just glad they didn't make me kill you I don't know if I'd ever forgive myself for that" Derek said and Sofia smiled.

"We're going to get through this I know we will it's us against the world okay" Sofia said.

"You are my life Fia" Derek said and there was a moment of silence. "And if anything happened to you" Derek said but Sofia turned to face him and stopped him.

"Nothing happened I'm right here I'm with you okay" Sofia said and Derek just looked at her.

"Derek you are the only one for me okay I didn't know what love truly was until I met you, you made me happy again when I thought I couldn't be I've been happier with you than I ever have with Scott I love you I do and I'm with you till the end even with times like this and I promise I'm not going anywhere not without a fight" Sofia said.

"You almost got hurt you could've died" Derek said. "But I didn't I'm right here in front of you" Sofia said. "Yeah luckily" Derek said.

"Yes, luckily it could've been worse Derek, but it wasn't and I'm just grateful I didn't lose you too" Sofia said and Derek smiled at her.

"I know it stinks that we lost Boyd I know, and I wish we could've prevented that, but we couldn't okay" Sofia said and Derek nodded leaning down to kiss her.

She had kissed him back and he had rolled on top of her going to her neck before taking off her shirt. Sofia had taken off Derek's shirt before he moved back to her lips when things got heated.


"They were there for two days waiting hiding that's what we're taught to do when the hunters find us hide and heal" Cora said.

"Okay so is two days standard then or are we thinking Derek's on like some extended getaway and Sofia just happened to join him" Stiles asked. "Why do you care" Cora asked facing him.

"Why do I care let's see because over the last few weeks my best friend's tried to kill himself his boss nearly got ritually sacrificed a girl that I've known since I was three was ritually sacrificed along with Sofia's dad leaving her an orphan Boyd was killed by alphas" Stiles said.

"Do you want me to keep going" Stiles asked. "Cause I can alright for like an hour" Stiles said.

"You think Derek can do anything about that" Cora asked. "Well since he's the one everyone seems to be after it's more like he should do something about it yeah" Stiles said.

"I don't know there's something different about him now, he wasn't like this when we knew him although Sofia seems to bring out the good in him" Cora said.

"I hate to admit this but I actually I never thought I see the day where sour wolf actually smiles" Stiles said. "Sour wolf" Cora asked.

"Never mind" Stiles said. "What was he like" Stiles asked. "A lot like Scott actually" Peter said from the stairs and came down going to them.

"A lot like most teenagers unbearably romantic profoundly narcissistic tolerable really only to other teenagers" Peter said.

"And so, what happened what changed him" Stiles asked. "Well, the same thing that changes a lot of young men a girl" Peter said. "You're telling me some girl broke his little heart that's why Derek is the way he is" Stiles said.

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