11) dinner date

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Derek and Sofia were both sound asleep at the loft with Derek's arm around Sofia and Sofia laid on his chest when all of a sudden Derek heard a noise.

"Fia, Fia" Derek said waking her up and she woke up hearing the noise as she got up.

Sofia and Derek started walking slowly to the door and Derek looked at Sofia. He opened the door revealing Lydia.

"Lydia" Sofia said. Lydia screamed making Derek and Sofia worry.


Derek and Sofia agreed to let Scott use the loft for a date as they had gone out for dinner till the date was over. "Fia" Derek said. "No" Sofia said. "Fia please say something" Derek said.

"What do you want me to say Derek" Sofia asked. "That you may be dying we know that, or Lydia wouldn't have been at the loft" Sofia said.

"Fia" Derek said holding her hand. "Derek, I can't lose you okay I won't be the same and you know that Derek we're supposed to be getting married and now you might be dying" Sofia said.

"Everything is going to be okay" Derek said. "You're only saying that to make me feel better because you and I both know you're not too sure yourself" Sofia said and Derek sighed.


Stiles and Noah came to the loft seeing Derek and Sofia already there. "What happened" Stiles asked.

"It was supposed to be a date" Derek said. "They were both here" Noah asked. "And they're both gone" Sofia said. Stiles's phone had rung, and he answered it.

"Hey" Stiles said. "Scott's been taken" Lydia said over the phone.

"Scott and Kira, we just don't know where" Stiles said. "Mexico and if you want to save his life that's where you're going too" Deaton said.

"Well, who's ready for another adventure" Sofia asked and they all looked at her.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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