1) finding Lydia

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Act II

Kanimas and acquaintances

(Episode 1-12)


Sofia was out walking looking for Isaac when he jumped in front of her scaring her.

"I hate when you do that" Sofia said. "I know makes it more fun" Issac said and Sofia fake smiled punching him playfully.

"You're an idiot" Sofia said. "An idiot who's your best friend" Issac said. "Whatever can we go I don't want to miss the movie" Sofia said. "Yeah, let's go" Issac said.


Sofia had met with Stiles and Scott in Stiles's jeep after Stiles had told her Lydia was missing. "This is the one she was just wearing" Scott asked and Stiles nodded.

"I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her not again" Scott said. "Yeah, cause you're so good at keeping your promises" Sofia mumbled.

"Alright just shove the thing in your face and let's find her" Stiles said and then Allison appeared. "Great" Sofia said. "Wow" Stiles said. "What are you doing here" Scott asked.

"Someone's gonna see us" Scott said and Sofia knew they were still together even after he cheated on her with Allison.

"I don't care she's my best friend and we need to find her before they do" Allison said. "I can find her before the cops can" Scott said. "How about before my father does" Allison asked.

"He knows" Stiles asked. "Yeah, I just saw him, and three other guys leave my house in two SUVs" Allison said. "Search party" Scott asked.

"No, you dumbo" Sofia said. "It's more like a hunting party" Allison said. "Get in" Scott said and Allison got in and sat next to Sofia.

Stiles had drove off on a mission to find Lydia. "Alright but if she's turning would they actually kill her" Stiles asked. "I don't know they won't tell me anything okay all they say is we'll talk after Kate's funeral when the others get here" Allison said.

"What others" Stiles asked. "I don't know they won't tell me that yet" Allison said. "Huh some communication techniques" Sofia said.

"Scott, are we going the right way" Stiles asked as Scott's head was out the window. "Take the next right" Scott said.


Sofia, Stiles, Scott, and Allison had walked to the Hale House. "She came here you sure" Stiles asked Scott. "Yeah, this is where the scent leads" Scott said.

"Alright but has Lydia ever been here" Stiles asked. "Not with me" Allison said. "Me either" Sofia said.

"Maybe she came here on instinct like she was looking for Derek" Allison said. "You mean looking for an alpha" Scott said. "Wolves need a pack right" Allison asked.

"Not all of them" Scott said. "But would she have been drawn to an alpha is it an instinct to be part of a pack" Allison asked.

"Yeah we're, we're stronger in packs" Scott said. "Like strength in numbers" Allison said. "No like, like literally stronger faster better in every way" Scott said.

"That the same for an alpha" Allison asked. "That'll make Derek stronger too" Scott said.

"Whoa hey look at this" Stiles said seeing a tripwire. "You see this" Stiles asked as Sofia and Allison made their way to him.

"I think it's a tripwire" Stiles said. "Stiles" Scott said, and everyone looked at him while Sofia tried to not laugh. "Okay yes this is what I needed" Sofia said and took a picture and posted it online. 

"Thanks Sof thanks" Scott said sarcastically. "You're lucky I'm even here I could easily be looking for Lydia all by myself" Sofia said and Scott stayed silent knowing she's right.

"Next time you see a tripwire don't trip it" Scott told Stiles. "Yeah noted" Stiles said as he and Allison were about to help him down when Scott stopped them.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait someone's coming hide go" Scott said and Sofia, Stiles, and Allison hid while Argent made his way to Scott.

"Scott" Argent said. "Mr. Argent" Scott said. "How are you doing" Argent asked.

"Good you know just hanging out" Scott said. "Is this yours" Scott asked. "It's uh good, nice design very constricting" Scott said. "What are you doing out here Scott" Argent asked.

"Looking for my friend" Scott said. "Ah that's right Lydia's in your group now isn't she part of the clique is that the word you use or is there another way to put it part of the pack" Argent asked. 

"Actually, clique sounds about right to me" Scott said. "I hope so cause, I know she's a friend of Allison's and one special circumstance such as yourself one I can handle not two" Argent said.

"No" Scott said. "Scott, do you know what a hmocorporexrony is" Argent asked.

"I have a feeling I don't want to" Scott said. "A medical term for amputating somebody at the waist cutting them in half takes a tremendous amount of strength to cut through tissue and bone like that let's hope a demonstration never becomes necessary" Argent said and left with the hunters he came with. Allison and Stiles made their way to Scott.

"You okay" Allison asked Scott. "It's just another life-threatening conversation with your dad" Scott said. "Stiles help me with this" Allison said referring to the tripwire but then Scott extracted his claws getting out himself landing on his feet.

"Show off" Sofia said. "Thanks, but I think I got it" Scott said.

Scott went to walk away seeing they weren't coming. "Coming" Scott asked and they all started to leave.


Sofia was at her locker when Isaac walked up to her. "Boo" Issac said, and Sofia turned to him. "Issac" Sofia said and then saw his black eye.

"Again" Sofia asked. "Yeah" Issac said. "I wish you would let me, or my dad help" Sofia said.

"It will only make it worse" Issac said. "Fine" Sofia said. "Did Derek at least give you the bite" Sofia asked.

"Yea he did, and I still can't believe you kept this a secret from me" Issac said.

"Trust me I didn't want to, but I also wanted to keep you safe from all of this you're my best friend okay I'd be lost without you" Sofia said.

"I know but trust me I'm not going anywhere" Issac said. "Come on we have class" Sofia said and left with Isaac.


After school Sofia had gone with Stiles to find Lydia when Noah had caught them.

Scott went to look for her as they were stuck here with Noah when Stiles and Sofia spotted Lydia. "Lyds" Sofia said. "Lydia, Lydia, Lydia" Stiles said trying to get her attention and she looked.

"Well, is anyone gonna get me a coat" Lydia asked. Stiles went to but fainted and Sofia and Noah shook their head.

Sofia held her hand out for a coat which Noah gave her and she went to Lydia putting it on her hugging her finally letting tears fall from being so scared. "You're okay" Sofia said. "Yeah, Sof I'm okay" Lydia said.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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