2) saving Issac

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Sofia was walking in the street heading home when Isaac bumped into her. "Isaac wow hey slow down" Sofia said. "What's wrong" Sofia asked.

"He knows, he knows" Issac said. "Who knows" Sofia asked.

"My dad he threw a glass at me and when I pulled it out, he saw that it healed so I ran as fast as I could" Issac said.

"Okay we can" Sofia said then heard a noise. "Did you hear that" Sofia asked and Isaac and Sofia looked seeing Issacs's dad was dead. "We need to tell Derek" Sofia said and Isaac nodded getting on his bike with Sofia on the back and he peddled off.


Isaac and Sofia had made it to the Hale House as they ran in looking for Derek. "Derek, Derek" Isaac yelled. Derek had appeared in front of them. "What's wrong" Derek asked.

"My dad I think he's dead" Issac said. "What did you do" Derek asked. "That's the thing it wasn't me" Isaac said.

"He's telling the truth I was there" Sofia said and Derek looked at Sofia lovingly.


"You really don't remember anything" Allison asked. "They called it a fugue state which is basically a way of saying we have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days but personally I don't care I lost nine pounds" Lydia said.

"Like you need it you always look great" Sofia said. "Are you ready for this" Allison asked Lydia.

"Please it's not like my aunt's a serial killer" Lydia said, and they all walked in seeing everyone looking at Lydia.

"Maybe it's the nine pounds" Allison told Lydia. "Come on Sof let's show them" Lydia told Sofia dragging her with her.


Sofia was at lacrosse practice and sat on the bleachers watching Issac practice. She had saw him and waved at him and he waved back. Sofia couldn't help but notice Scott and Stiles were planning something and she had walked up to them.

"What are you two idiots planning" Sofia asked. "Planning we're not planning anything" Scott said. "And why don't I believe you" Sofia asked.

"I'm not sure cause we're not planning anything oh look we better get out there" Stiles said and they went on the field. Scott had started running into players on the field knocking them down sniffing them.

"McCall" Coach yelled as Scott helped the player up. "Yeah" Scott said.

"Usually, the goalie stays somewhere within the vicinity of the actual goal" Coach said. "Yes Coach" Scott said going to the net. "Let's try it again" Coach said.

Scott had once again run into a lacrosse player knocking him down sniffing him.

"McCall the position's goalkeeper, not goal abandoner" Coach said. "Sorry Coach" Scott said and went back to the net.

"What is he up to" Sofia asked herself. "Let's go" Coach said. Once again Scott ran into a lacrosse player knocking him down sniffing him before going back to the net.

"Let's fire it up" Coach said and Scott ran into Danny knocking him down sniffing him.

"It's Armani" Danny said. "Huh" Scott said. "My aftershave Armani" Danny said. "Oh, it's nice" Scott said.

"McCall you come out of that goal one more time" Coach said and Scott got up. "You'll be doing suicide runs till you die it'll be the first ever suicide run that actually ends in a suicide got it" Coach said. "Yes Coach" Scott said and went back to the net.

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