4) new beta

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Sofia arrived at Scott's after Scott called her needing her help with what she didn't know.

"Okay I'm here" Sofia said going into Scott's bedroom seeing Scott and Stiles. "What did you need my help with" Sofia asked. She all of a sudden hears noises coming from the bathroom.

"What's that" Sofia asked. "Well, um" Scott said and Stiles explained what happened.

Sofia, Stiles, and Scott went to the bathroom when Sofia opened the curtains seeing Liam. "So, you bite him and kidnap him yeah that makes sense" Sofia said.

"I panicked" Scott said. "Most people who panic don't kidnap 15-year-olds" Sofia yelled. "Just to be clear Scott kidnapped him I did nothing" Stiles said and Scott glared at him.

"Look at him he's scared to death" Sofia said and Liam looked at Sofia grateful she was trying to help.

"I have to get back home to Derek, but you better let him out and if you don't I swear I will kill you for scaring that poor kid" Sofia said and left. "Is it just me or has she been with Derek too much" Scott asked.

"Shut up" Sofia yelled slamming the door on her way out.


Lydia was on her computer in class with Sofia beside her and Kira behind them when Sofia and Kira happened to see what was on the screen. "These are your math notes" Kira asked.

"No wonder Malia's failing" Kira said. "Maybe she should have just borrowed mine" Sofia said.

"Some of them are my notes the rest I think might actually be a code" Lydia said. "But you don't remember writing it" Kira asked.

"Not in the slightest but considering my drawing of a tree led us to the nemeton I should probably figure out what it means before it tries to kill us" Lydia said.

"Maybe it's like the Enigma code the allies used remember my dad was a World War II buff and my mom was well in it" Kira said.

"I think it's a variation on something called the Vigenere Cipher" Lydia said.

"Do you know how to crack it" Kira asked. "With a key" Lydia said. "Well, this is going to be fun" Sofia said sarcastically and Lydia noticed Sofia's engagement ring.

"Is that what I think it is" Lydia asked. "You mean an engagement ring yeah" Sofia said.

"You got engaged when" Kira asked excited. "Yesterday right before school" Sofia said. "That's so great" Lydia said, and Sofia smiled.

"I better be your maid of honor" Lydia said. "Hey what about me" Kira asked. "Now who said I couldn't have two maids of honor" Sofia asked and Lydia and Kira smiled then Natalie came over holding out a key in front of Lydia.

"Remember the rules no more than six people allowed in the lake house stay out of the wine and if anything gets broken it's getting added to your credit card debt" Natalie said.

"Fine" Lydia said going to grab the key when Natalie held them.

"And lock up the basement from all the scratch marks I found on the walls it looked like a pack of wild animals got down there" Natalie said and gave Lydia the key before walking away.

"If only she knew" Sofia said and Lygia gave her a look. "Just saying" Sofia said and Lydia smiled at her.


Malia, Sofia, Lydia, Stiles, Scott, and Kira were all at the busses discussing what to do about Liam. "I'm not sharing my basement" Malia said.

"Actually, it's my basement and my mom noticed how you tore it up last time" Lydia said. "Alright she's still learning" Stiles said. "But we're going to use the boathouse for Liam it's got support beams we can chain him to one of them" Scott said. "That is if we can convince him to go" Sofia said.

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