8) lunatic

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Sofia, Scott, and Stiles were in class and Scott tried to talk to Allison after she had broken up with him last night. Scott had gone to his seat after Mr. Harris had told him to which was in front of Stiles and beside Sofia.

"You have 45 minutes to complete the test 25% of your grade can be earned right now simply by writing your name on the cover of the blue book however as happens every year one of you will inexplicably fail to put your name on the cover and I'll be left yet again questioning my decision to ever become a teacher so let's get this disappointment over with begin" Mr. Harris said and everyone started taking their test. 

After a few minutes Scott had gotten up and left. "Mr. Mccall" Mr. Harris said.

Stiles had followed Scott while Sofia stayed in her seat knowing it was about Allison. "Mr. Stilinski" Mr. Harris said.


Stiles had asked for Sofia's help after school after finding out Scott had made out with Lydia.

Sofia knowing how Stiles felt about Lydia hesitated at first but reluctantly agreed. They had just walked in the house when they saw Melissa. "Scott" Melissa said.

"Stiles and Sofia" Stiles said. "Key" Melissa said seeing Stiles had a key to the house.

"Yeah, I had one made so" Stiles said. "That doesn't surprise me it scares me, but it doesn't surprise me" Melissa said and noticed Sofia. "Sofia hey how are you doing" Melissa asked.

"I'm fine" Sofia said. "Look I hope you know after I found out what Scott did, I didn't let him get away with it, it was unacceptable he shouldn't have done what he did" Melissa said.

"I know thanks" Sofia said and Melissa nodded. "What is that" Melissa asked seeing the bag.

"Uh school project" Stiles said. "Mmm Stiles, Sofia he's okay right" Melissa asked. "Who Scott yeah totally" Stiles said.

"He just doesn't talk to me that much anymore not like he used to" Melissa said.

"He's had bit of a rough week" Sofia said. "Yeah, yeah I get it yeah um okay uh be careful tonight" Melissa said. "You too" Stiles said. "Full moon" Melissa said. "What" Stiles said.

"There's a full moon tonight you should see how the ER gets brings out all the nut jobs" Melissa said. "Oh" Stiles said. "Yeah" Melissa said.

"Right okay" Sofia said. "You know it's um actually where they came up with the word lunatic" Melissa said and left.


Sofia and Scott had gone up to Scott's room where Sofia saw Scott in the corner, but Stiles didn't as he jumped when he saw him. "Dude, you scared the crap out of me" Stiles said.

"Your mom said you weren't home yet" Stiles said. "I came in through the window" Scott said. "Hey what's with the look" Sofia asked. "Your kinda scaring me a little bit" Sofia said.

"Okay uh well let's get this set up I want you to see what I bought" Stiles said bending down to the bag.

"I'm fine in just gonna lock the door and go to bed early tonight" Scott said.

"Yeah, I don't believe that" Sofia said. "You sure about that" Stiles asked. "Cause you've got this kind of serial killer look going on in your eyes and I'm hoping it's the full moon taking effect cause it's really starting to freak me out and scare Sof" Stiles said. "I'm fine you both should go now" Scott said.

"Alright we'll leave" Stiles said. "Well look would you just at least look in the bag and see what I bought you know maybe you use it maybe you don't sound good" Stiles asked and Scott went over bent down and looked.

Scott pulled out chains from the bag. "You think I'm gonna let you put these on and chain me like a dog" Scott asked.

"Actually no" Stiles said and handcuffed him to the radiator. "What are you doing" Scott asked. "Protecting you from yourself and giving you some payback for making out with Lydia" Stiles said.


"I brought you some water" Stiles said coming back with a bowl with Scott's name on it and a bottle of water. He poured the water in the bowl and set it in front of Scott. Stiles started to walk away when Scott threw the bowl at him.

"Well, that wasn't very nice" Sofia said. "I'm gonna kill you" Scott said and Stiles came back.

"You kissed her Scott okay you kissed Lydia that's like the one girl that I ever and you know the past three hours I've been thinking it's probably just the full moon you know he doesn't even know what he's doing and tomorrow he'll be totally back to normal he probably won't even remember what a complete douchebag he's been a freaking unbelievable piece of crap friend" Stiles said.

"She kissed me" Scott said. "What" Stiles said. "I didn't kiss her she kissed me" Scott said and Sofia and Stiles went out in the hall.

"She would've done a lot more too you should have seen the way she had her hands all over me she would have done anything I wanted" Scott said as Stiles sat down. "Anything" Scott yelled.


Scott had struggled to get out of the handcuffs. "Stiles, Sofia please let me out it's the full moon I swear you know I wouldn't do any of this on purpose please guys let me out it's starting to hurt it's not like the first time it's Allison breaking up with me I know that it's not just taking a break she broke up with me and it's killing me I feel completely hopeless just please let me out" Scott said as Sofia covered her ears wondering what Allison had that she didn't why he had cheated on her with Allison and what she did wrong.

"We can't" Stiles said. The full moon had appeared s Scott had felt it's affects. "No, no, no" Scott said screaming as Stiles covered his ears.

After a little while they didn't hear anything, and they uncovered their ears. "Scott are you okay" Stiles asked getting no response. "Scott" Stiles said, and he and Sofia went in the room seeing Scott broke free from the handcuffs and left through the window.

"Well good luck with that I'm going home" Sofia said and left.


Sofia was in her room laying on her stomach on her bed finishing up some homework when she felt a gust of wind. She had looked and saw Derek as she sat up putting her notebook away. "Hey what are you doing here" Sofia asked.

"Just thought I come by and see you" Derek said and Sofia nodded. "What's wrong" Derek asked knowing something was wrong. "Nothing" Sofia said.

"You forget I'm a werewolf I know when you're lying" Derek said. "Dang werewolf hearing okay fine when we were trying to keep Scott from giving in, he uh started talking about Allison and I can't just help but wonder what she had I didn't that maybe I did something or why he cheated with her did I cause this" Sofia said and Derek went to her.

"Hey, you didn't do anything okay your beautiful he's an idiot he should have never hurt you, you deserve way better than him and someday a really lucky guy is going to realize that and never ever let you go I know I wouldn't" Derek said and Sofia smiled.

"Thanks, you always know the right thing to say" Sofia said. "Always can't have my only friend upset over some stupid guy who isn't even worth her time he doesn't deserve you okay and some day you will find someone who does" Derek said and Sofia nodded.

"Get some rest" Derek said and left through the window.

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