1) alpha pack

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Alpha pack and Darach

(Episode 1-12)



Sofia was a newly turned werewolf by her alpha boyfriend Derek Hale.

Who had no choice but to turn her as the doctors couldn't do anything to save her from her sacrificing her life for Lydia when she had noticed the plan wasn't working.

Not wanting to live without her Derek turned her. Their relationship was going great, and Sofia couldn't have been happier than she's been.


Scott had parked his new motorcycle at school before seeing two new ones next to it. He had saw Derek's car pull in and saw Derek get out opening Sofia's door.

Sofia had got out of the car and Derek had kissed her for a few minutes till Sofia had to pull away. Sofia had smiled at Derek, and he smiled back before kissing her cheek and she let out a giggle and Scott saw how truly happy Sofia was with Derek.

Way happier than she ever was with him causing him to finally realize what he had done. Sofia kissed Derek one last time before heading into school.

Scott couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous of the two. Derek had saw Scott nodded at him and got in his car and drove off.


"You wanna ask Derek for help why, why" Stiles asked. "He's got the triskele tattooed on his back so there has to be a way to do it without healing right" Scott said.

"Okay but still doesn't he have his hands a little full" Stiles said. "Speaking of where's Sof" Stiles asked.

"I don't know Derek dropped her off" Scott said. "Derek dropped Sofia off" Stiles asked.

"Yeah, I saw them make out for a couple minutes before Sofia headed into the school" Scott said. "Talking about me" Sofia said walking up to them.

"Sofia hey how's the uh you know the uh" Stiles stuttered to say. "Being a werewolf" Sofia said.

"Yeah that" Stiles said. "It's great new but great" Sofia said. "Hey, you think you can help me with Derek" Scott asked. "Why do you need Derek's help" Sofia asked.

"I tried to get a tattoo and it didn't work and Derek seems to have a soft spot for you" Scott said. "Yeah, cause I'm his girlfriend" Sofia said. "Yeah, right anyways do you think you could help" Scott asked. 

"Let's see ask my current boyfriend to help my ex-boyfriend to help with a tattoo" Sofia said and pretended to think.

"No if you want his help ask him yourself bye Stiles" Sofia said and left.

"She seems different" Scott said. "Yeah, happier Derek had made her happier than she's ever been" Stiles said and Scott sighed.

"Look these are the applications for the career advisor I need them sorted and whatever happened to the library while I was gone, I want it cleared up and what is this" The principal said showing Gerard's weapon as Scott and Stiles saw. "Go, go, go" Stiles said and they quickly left.


Sofia found Lydia and Allison as she made her way to them. "Hey Lyds" Sofia said. "Hey Sof, you're in a good mood keep at it" Lydia said and Sofia just smiled at her. "Derek drop you off" Allison asked. "He did" Sofia said.

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