6) alive

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After Sofia had managed to get Derek into her car and drove them to this loft, she was now trying to keep him from falling as they walked in the loft.

"This is a bad very bad idea" Sofia said. "You sure we shouldn't just go to a hospital" Sofia asked. "No, no hospital" Derek said. "Your call" Sofia said and she started to struggle to keep him from falling.

"Derek I can't, I can't hold on much longer I'm losing you" Sofia said before Derek fell. Sofia made her way to him seeing he was passed out.

"Derek, Derek, Derek, I told you this was a bad idea should have gone to a hospital" Sofia said. She managed to get Derek off the floor and laid him on the bed.

Sofia lifted up Derek's shirt looking at his wound speechless. "How bad" Derek asked seeing her look.

"Well, I wish I could say I seen worse, but I would be lying please tell me you're not dying you can't die I can't lose you again Derek please" Sofia said before she put her head to his heartbeat calming down instantly. "I always loved the sound of your heartbeat" Sofia said.


Sofia was looking out the window and Derek had sat up on the bed as Sofia noticed once she turned around.

"You shouldn't do that you're still healing" Sofia said. "I have to find the others they think I'm dead" Derek said. "They will be okay thinking that for a day" Sofia said. "Fia" Derek said.

"Derek you almost died okay you barely made it out alive they will be fine for a day" Sofia said going to him.

"Do you know what it felt like believing you died" Sofia asked. "I thought I lost you okay I can't lose you again you mean more to me than anyone else I already lost my dad don't make me lose you too" Sofia said.


"They need to know" Derek said. "And they will but for now just stay here with me please" Sofia said. "Okay" Derek said, and Sofia smiled.

"Now what do we do" Sofia asked. "I know you don't have any bandages or anything that can help" Sofia said.

"I usually don't need them" Derek said. "Okay well just to be on the safe side might want to get some just in case" Sofia said. "Just give it time" Derek said and Sofia nodded.

"You shouldn't be here" Derek said. "Where else would I be" Sofia asked.

"Fia everyone around me gets hurt I don't want you hurt" Derek said. "You can't blame yourself for that none of that is your fault I remember you telling me about your fist love you did everything you could to save her but she never would have blamed you she loved you okay and who could blame her and as for Erica the alpha's killed her not you and for me it was Jackson who got me hurt not you okay you can't blame yourself it isn't your fault" Sofia said.

"None of it is and I will spend every day of my life reminding you of that if I need to" Sofia said and Derek looked at her.

"How do you know that" Derek asked. "Because I love you and because I know you, you just have to believe it yourself and I'll spend every day telling you until you do" Sofia said and Derek smiled. "I love you too" Derek said before kissing Sofia.

Sofia had kissed him back and Derek gently pulled Sofia to sit on his lap and he had moved to her neck and Sofia had saw him undoing the buttons on her shirt. "Wait" Sofia said and Derek stopped and looked at her.

"I'm sorry do you not want to" Derek asked. "No of course I want to it's just I this is a little embarrassing I never done this with anyone before" Sofia said. "Not even Scott" Derek asked.

"No, it never felt right" Sofia said. "We can stop we can take it slow I don't want to rush you to do something you're not ready to do" Derek said.

"No don't I want to okay I want to do this with you" Sofia said. "You sure" Derek asked.

"Yeah, positive besides it feels right with you like you're the one I been saving myself before" Sofia said.

"I'll be gentle" Derek said and Sofia nodded before Derek picked her up carefully getting up himself laying her down on the bed and getting on top of her.

Derek had taken off her shirt guiding her to take off his which she did before Derek kissed her again and she kissed him back where things got heated for the night.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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