7) protecting Derek

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Derek and Sofia was on Derek's bed asleep with Sofia in Derek's shirt. When all of a sudden, the alarm went off and Derek quickly got up and shut it off before it could wake up Sofia. Cora came down and saw the symbol on the window.

"What does it mean" Cora asked. "It means they're coming" Derek said.

"Tonight" Derek said and then Cora noticed Sofia asleep in Derek's shirt. "Well, you been busy" Cora said. "Shut up" Derek said going to Sofia.

"Mom would've loved her" Cora said. Derek had looked at Cora, but she had left the room. He looked back at Sofia shaking her slightly to wake her up.

"Fia, Fia wake up you're going to be late" Derek said. Sofia had woken up and looked at Derek. "I'm not going" Sofia said.

"You have to go" Derek said and Sofia sat up. "And what if they come after me to get to you or worse try to kill me" Sofia asked. "No one can hurt you as long as I'm around" Derek said.

"Derek you nearly died" Sofia said. "But I didn't I came back ill always come back for you now go please for me" Derek said and Sofia sighed.

"Fine" Sofia said. "Thats my girl" Derek said smiling and Sofia couldn't help but smile back.


Sofia was at her locker when Issac came over. "There you are, was beginning to think you weren't going to show" Issac said. "Well, I planned on it, but Derek didn't exactly agree" Sofia said. "He just wants the best for you" Issac said.

"I know but it's annoying" Sofia said. "Hey at least you have a boyfriend who you know would actually treat you right" Issac said and Sofia smiled. "You know something" Issac asked and Sofia looked at him.

"What" Sofia said. "I never thought I see that smile again" Issac said. "Well Derek makes me happy happier than I have been in a long time in fact I wasn't sure that happiness like this existed" Sofia said.

"That happens when you're with the right guy Scott was never the right guy for you, but Derek is" Issac said. "Yeah, I guess your right" Sofia said smiling.


"Go back to school" Derek said seeing Issac and Boyd. "Well actually we can't Boyd and I are incredibly, and unbelievably sick" Issac said. "With what brain damage" Derek asked.

"Well, I have a migraine and uh Boyd here has explosive diarrhea" Issac said.

"We're here to protect you" Boyd said. "You're here to protect me well I'm in trouble then" Derek said approaching them.

"Wait where's Sofia don't you usually tell her everything" Derek asked.

"Yes, but not this time I don't want her involved and I figured with you being her boyfriend as well you might kill me if I did" Issac said.

"Smart choice" Derek said. "Boyd here came up with a plan" Issac said.

"Yeah, I thought about the time Gerard had me and Erica locked up tied up with electrical wires pushing current through us" Boyd said and opened the bag he brought.

"I was wondering how we could do something like that but on a bigger scale" Boyd said and took out some wires.


"In a pool of electrified water, it can take up to 50 milliamps to kill a normal human less than the power it takes to turn on a light bulb" Boyd said. "That's comforting" Derek said.

"If we disable the circuit interrupter in the building's electrical room the current will keep coming and anyone who steps foot in here, they'll get a pretty shocking surprise" Boyd said. "Especially someone who's barefoot" Isaac said.

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