7) night school

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"Lock it, lock it" Scott said. "Do I look like I have a key" Stiles said. "Grab something" Scott said.

"What" Stiles said. "Anything" Scott said. Stiles had saw something outside the school as Sofia and Scott noticed.

"No" Scott said. "Yes" Stiles said. "Stiles no don't" Scott said but Stiles had gone outside to grab it and Scott and Sofia had saw the alpha. Sofia started banging on the window to try to get his attention.

"Stiles, Stiles, Stiles" Sofia said. "Run Stiles run" Scott said and Stiles ran back in the school with them putting the thing he grabbed in the door. "Where is it where'd it go that won't hold will it" Scott asked.

"Probably not" Stiles said. They all heard a howl, and they ran to an empty classroom.

"The desk" Stiles said as they all went to the desk. "Stop, stop" Stiles said and they stopped. "The door's not gonna keep it out" Stiles said.

"I know" Scott said. "It's your boss" Stiles said. "What" Scott said.

"That does make sense" Sofia said. "Deaton the alpha your boss" Stiles said. "That can't be" Scott said. "Oh, come on he disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek 20 feet through the air that's not convenient timing" Stiles said.

"It's not him" Scott said. "Who else could it be" Sofia asked. "He killed Derek" Stiles said. "No Derek's not dead he can't be dead" Scott said.

"Blood spurted out of his mouth okay that doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury he's dead and we're next" Stiles said. "Okay just what do we do" Scott asked.

"I don't know about you but I'm not dying at school with my ex-boyfriend" Sofia said.

"We get to my jeep we get out of here you seriously think about quitting your job good" Stiles said and they all went to the windows.

"No, they don't open the school's climate controlled" Stiles said. "Then we break it" Scott said. "Which will make a lot of noise" Sofia said. "Then uh then we run really fast, really fast" Scott said and noticed something wrong with Stiles's jeep.

"Stiles what's wrong with the hood of your jeep" Scott asked. "Huh" Sofia said and looked.

"What do you mean nothing's wrong" Stiles said. "It's bent" Scott said. "What like dented" Stiles asked looking at his jeep.

"No, I mean bent" Scott said. "He's right" Sofia said. Glass from the window broke as they all moved out of the way with Stiles grabbing Sofia shielding her and they saw Stiles's battery.

"That's my battery" Stiles said about to get up when Scott pulled him back down. "Don't" Scott said. "We have to move" Stiles said.

"He could be right outside" Scott said. "He is right outside you dumbo" Sofia said.

"Just let me take a look" Scott said and looked outside with Stiles. "Nothing" Stiles asked. "No" Scott said. "Move now" Stiles asked. "Move now" Scott said and Sofia, Stiles, and Scott went in the hallway.

"This way" Scott said. "No, no, no" Stiles said stopping Scott. "What" Scott asked. "Somewhere without windows" Stiles said.

"Every single room in this building has windows" Scott said. "Somewhere with less windows" Stiles said. "The locker room" Scott said. "Yeah" Stiles said. "Okay" Scott said.

As soon as they reached the locker room Sofia wouldn't go in. "Yeah, I'm not going in there" Sofia said. "What about the alpha" Stiles asked.

"Yeah, I rather take my chances with the alpha then smelling like a sweaty lacrosse player" Sofia said. "Suit yourself" Scott said as he and Stiles went in.

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