4) Kanima

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Erica and Issac were training with Derek while Sofia sat to the side with Boyd. Issac ran at Derek going to attack when Derek knocked him down. Issac got up going to try again and he ran to Derek going to attack when Derek knocked him down again.

Issac had kept trying, getting knocked down every time. Erica then jumped from the hood going to attack and Derek knocked her down.

"Does anyone wanna try not being completely predictable" Derek asked and then Erica jumped up on him kissing him and Sofia looked down jealous and Derek noticed as he pushed Erica down wiping his mouth.

"That's the last time you do that" Derek said. "Why because I'm a beta" Erica asked.

"No because I have someone else in mind for you and you're not my type" Derek said. "Who is Sofia" Erica asked causing Sofia to look up. Derek then went to her and broke her arm. "That's not your business" Derek said as she screamed.

"Are we done" Issac asked. "I got about a hundred bones that need a few hours to heal" Issac said.

"Well, if you would have, I don't know attacked better" Sofia started to say.

"You think you can do better" Issac asked. "Yeah, come on I'll show you" Sofia said getting up going to him while Derek watched amused. Isaac had gone to attack only for Sofia to dodge his attempt and kicked him from underneath and grabbing his arm flipping him" Sofia said.

"Interesting" Derek said, and Sofia looked, as Derek walked towards her.

They had looked at each other for a moment until Derek started to fight her and she started to fight back.

Derek had eventually pinned her arms behind her back pinning her to the wall and for a moment they just stared deeply into each other's eyes.

When it looked like they were about to kiss Derek had let her go facing the others. 

"You think I'm teaching you how to fight I'm teaching you how to survive" Derek told them. "If they wanted us dead, why aren't they coming for us now, what are they waiting for" Issac asked.

"I don't know but they're planning something and you two" Derek said motioning to Issac and Sofia.

"Especially know that's not our only problem whatever that thing is that killed Issacs's father I think it killed someone else last night until I find out what it is you all need to learn everything that I know as fast as I can teach you" Derek said.


After everyone had left leaving just Isaac and Derek. Isaac had gone to Derek as Derek noticed. "What" Derek said.

"What was that back there" Issac asked. "What was what" Derek asked. "You know the way you looked at Sofia" Issac said. "Do you like her" Isaac asked. 

"Maybe" Derek said. "Then why won't you tell her" Issac asked.

"Because right now all I care about is keeping her safe and she wouldn't dream of being with me" Derek said.

"You're an idiot you don't even realize that Sofia is head over heels in love with you I'm her best friend I can see it I see the way she looks at you and the way you look at her you two belong together rather you see it or not" Issac said and left.


Later that night Erica and Sofia brought Stiles to Derek. "Stiles" Derek said. "Derek" Stiles said. "You brought Sofia" Stiles asked.

"Well, I certainly don't trust Scott around Fia" Derek said. "Fair point" Stiles said. "What did you see at the mechanics garage" Derek asked.

"Uh several alarming EPA violations that I'm seriously considering reporting" Stiles said. Derek then clawed the air out of the basketball. "Let's try that again" Derek said.

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