23) saving Lydia

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Hold still, don't fight it, hold still almost there" Deaton said as he got the nogitsune out of Aiden and threw it down the drain in the water. "Issac your next" Deaton said.

"I'm aware alright" Issac said as Deaton pulled him trying to get the nogitsune out. "Don't fight it, don't fight, Issac, stay still" Deaton said.

"Got it" Deaton said once he got it out throwing it down the drain in the water. Isaac made his way out of the shower and Deaton turned the water off. "Are they okay now" Allison asked.

"I hope so" Issac said. "The part that's worrisome is that this was most likely just a distraction for what was happening to Stiles" Deaton said.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I don't need a split personality to worry about" Sofia said. "There's really two of them now" Kira asked. "How is that even possible" Kira asked.

"But how did the other one just take Lydia" Allison asked. "We turned around and they were gone so was her car" Deaton said.

"So, no one notices him just kidnapping her right out of the house" Aiden asked. "Most of us were concentrated on the bizarre sight of a creature materializing from out of the floor" Deaton said.

"Hold on how are you so sure which Stiles is which" Kira asked. "That's what they're trying to figure out now" Deaton said. "And how is he doing that" Sofia asked.


Kira and Sofia made it to Scott's after finding out what was happening. "Stop" Kira said. "It's okay I'm the one who asked her to come" Stiles said.

"You're the one who's going to get stabbed with swords" Kira said worried. "Mom don't do this to him" Kira begged. "It's already done" Noshiko said.

The Oni shown up as they went towards Stiles looking at him deeply before dropping him to the floor and then disappeared.

"Look behind his ear" Noshiko said. Kira, Sofia, Melissa, and Scott looked behind Stiles's ear seeing a number. "It worked" Scott said.

"So, I'm actually me" Stiles said. "More you than the nogitsune" Noshiko said. "You're an idiot if you would have died, I would have to find a way to bring you back just to fill you again myself" Sofia told Stiles.

"Can the Oni find him" Stiles asked. "Tomorrow night it's too close to dawn now" Noshiko said. "Can they kill him" Stiles asked.

"It depends on how strong he is" Noshiko said. "What about Lydia why would he take her" Scott asked. "He would only take her for an advantage" Noshiko said.

"You mean her power" Scott said. "The power of an, banshee" Noshiko said.


Sofia and Scott took Stiles to the station to see his dad. "In your coffee cup" Stiles said after hearing Noah looking for his keys. He looked at them after hearing Stiles. "You always drop them in your empty cup" Stiles said.

Noah looked at Sofia and Scott who nodded. Noah rushed over to his son hugging him which he returned.

"Hey dad" Stiles said. They pulled away from the hug once Scott went into the office. "Is it over" Noah asked. "Not yet" Scott said grabbing Noah's keys.


Noah made his way back in the office after the three told him about Lydia. "We got an APB out on Lydia's car every unit on the car is looking for her" Noah said.

"Isn't there anything else that we could do" Scott asked. "At this hour no not really" Noah said.

"He took her for a reason dad look if we can figure out the why then we'll figure out the where" Stiles said.

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