3) admitting feelings

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Sofia was walking in the halls when she saw Jackson being rough with Lydia, so she quickly put herself in the middle.

"Hey, hey back off or I will personally put you down on the floor" Sofia said.

"What is wrong with you" Jackson asked Lydia. "Hey nothing is wrong with her you talk to my best friend you talk to me" Sofia said. When Jackson had tried to get to Lydia Sofia pushed him back hard causing him to land on the ground.

"Are you out of your mind" Lydia asked Jackson. "Nothing happened to you, it's like, it's like your immune" Jackson said getting up.

"Jackson walk away" Sofia said. "I don't have a clue to what you're talking about" Lydia said.

"It's you whatever it is blood saliva whatever soul killing substance is running through your veins you did this to me you ruined it for me you ruined everything" Jackson said.

"Jackson, you have 5 seconds to walk away before you end up on the floor again" Sofia said and Jackson left. Sofia had faced Lydia as soon as he left.

"Hey, don't listen to him okay he's a jerk he doesn't deserve you your amazing okay remember that" Sofia said and Lydia hugged her. "What would I do without you" Lydia asked. "Who knows" Sofia said.


Sofia was currently in the halls waiting when she saw Erica. "You ready for this" Sofia asked. "Yes totally" Erica said. "Okay but then after can we go" Sofia asked. "Why anxious to see your boyfriend" Erica asked.

"He's not my boyfriend" Sofia said. "Could've fooled me the way you two look at each other it's so obvious you like each other" Erica said.

"You must be mistaken he doesn't like me now go" Sofia said. "Don't tell me you're that clueless" Erica said.

"Go please" Sofia said. "Alright" Erica said and left to make her entrance then came back after a moment. "Ready to go" Erica asked. "Yeah, let's go" Sofia said and they made their way outside to Derek's car and got in with Sofia in the passenger's side.


"You sure you don't want to join us" Lydia asked over the phone as Sofia was with Isaac at the abandoned train station. "Let's see spend the day with a friend or hang out with my ex-boyfriend I think I'll pass" Sofia said.

"Alright well next time we need to plan something you and me" Lydia said.

"Okay I gotta go" Sofia said. "Alright talk to you soon" Lydia said. "Yeah bye" Sofia said. "Took long enough" Issac said.

"Just scoot over" Sofia said and Isaac scooted over making some room and Sofia sat next to him leaning her back on him with her legs on the bench. "What are you two doing" Derek asked making his presence known.

"It's called a movie since you're hiding out, I brought my laptop we do this every other day or try to" Sofia said. "Hmm" Derek said.

Sofia had just smiled at him, and Derek couldn't help but smile back.

Issac had noticed not seeing that look before from Sofia. A look she hasn't even gave to Scott when they were dating.

"I'll uh be back" Derek said and left. "What was that" Isaac asked. "What was what" Sofia asked. "That look that smile one I haven't seen by the way not even from Scott like you were completely in awe of him" Isaac said.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Sofia said. "Don't lie to me Sof" Issac said. "Okay fine" Sofia said and sat up straight.

"I have been having these uh feelings I suppose" Sofia said. "You like Derek" Isaac asked.

"Yeah, I think so I mean this one time we had to help him because he got shot with a magic bullet and he fell to the ground and wouldn't wake up and Stiles was going to punch him but instead I kissed him" Sofia said.

"You kissed Derek" Issac asked. "Yeah, he probably doesn't even remember but I never had a kiss like that before" Sofia said.

"Like what" Isaac asked. "Like it was right like he was the one I was supposed to be with not Scott you know someone who makes me feel safe loved" Sofia said.

"He makes you feel safe, Sof not even Scott could make you feel safe" Issac said.

"Yeah, I know maybe I'm falling for him or maybe I'm just having a schoolgirl crush I don't know but what I do know is ever since that night these feelings won't go away" Sofia said.

"You really have it bad for him" Issac said. "It's like I can't breathe without him" Sofia told Isaac unaware of Derek listening in after he was about to come back but stopped after hearing what she said as he started to think about his feelings for her.

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Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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