7) Restraint

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Sofia was with Isaac, Erica, and Boyd at the train station. Derek couldn't help but sneak a glance at Sofia every chance he could without Sofia noticing.

"So why do we need their help" Issac asked. "Because it's harder to kill than I thought, and I still don't know who it is" Derek said.

"And they do" Issac asked. "They might which is why I need one of you to get on their good side" Derek said. "Scott or Stiles" Erica asked.

"Either" Derek said. "You know the full moon's coming Derek" Issac said. "I'm aware of that" Derek asked. "Oh, my look these look comfortable" Erica said holding chains and Derek took them from her.

"You said you were gonna teach us to change whenever we wanted" Issac said.

"There hasn't been time" Derek said. "But if you have to lock us up during the full moon that means, that means you're alone against the Argents" Issac said.

"They haven't found us yet" Derek said. "Yeah yet" Sofia said. "Worried about me" Derek asked.

"Always you have no idea how much you mean to me Derek" Sofia said and they stared at each other for a moment.

"Okay so how about we forget the Kanima" Issac said. "If it were that easy" Sofia said. "We can't there's something about the way Gerard looked at it he wasn't afraid at all I don't know what he knows or what he's planning but I'm sure about one thing we have to find it first" Derek said.


Erica had pinned Stiles to the wall after seeing he was trying to ask Jackson about his parents and Sofia quickly went over seeing cameras.

"Why are you asking Lydia about Jackson's real parents" Erica asked. "Erica cameras" Sofia said and Erica looked before letting Stiles go.  "Thanks Sof" Stiles said about to leave.

"If you're wondering about Jackson's real parents, they're about half a mile from here in Beacon Hills cemetery" Erica said and she and Sofia left.


Stiles had caught up to Erica and Sofia. "Do you know how they died" Stiles asked Erica. "Maybe if you tell me why you're so interested" Erica said.

Stiles had looked at Sofia hoping she knew. "Sorry but I have no idea Erica's your best shot" Sofia said.

"It's him isn't it" Erica asked. "What who, who him" Stiles asked. "The test didn't work but it's still him it's Jackson" Erica said.


"You can't tell Derek okay" Stiles said. "I'm not keeping anything from Derek" Sofia said. "Sof" Stiles said.

"No, he's my friend you may not trust him or like him, but I do" Sofia said and Stiles sighed. "Okay moving on that's all anybody ever used to do to me I used to have the worst crush on you" Erica said and Stiles looked surprised.

"Yeah, you Stiles and you never once even noticed me exactly how you're not noticing me now" Erica said.

Sofia, Stiles, and Erica had heard a fight and they all ran seeing Jackson and Scott fighting. Erica and Sofia had held Jackson back with Stiles doing the same to Scott.

"What's going on" Mr. Harris asked making his presence known. "Hey enough, enough" Mr. Harris said.

"What do you idiots think you're doing" Mr. Harris asked. "Jackson calm down" Mr. Harris said. "Mr. McCall you wanna explain yourself Stilinski" Mr. Harris asked.

"You dropped this" Matt told Allison giving her the tablet. "You and you actually all of you detention three o clock" Mr. Harris said and left. "Thanks a lot Scott" Sofia said.

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