14) more bad than good

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Scott, Stiles, and Sofia were in class as they were showing Allison the tablet. "Still don't know why we had to ask her for help" Sofia said. "Would you give it a rest" Allison asked.

"What's that boyfriend stealer even though he's my ex now oh and let's not forget about the fact you nearly killed Derek my hot werewolf boyfriend who's actually got skills in the bedroom" Sofia said while Scott looked uncomfortable.

"Okay TMI" Scott said. "You want me to start on you" Sofia asked.

"No, I'm good just grateful you're giving me a second chance at friendship" Scott said. "Wait you slept with Derek" Stiles asked. "Yeah, more than once" Sofia said.

"We never slept together you always said it didn't feel right" Scott said.

"Yeah, it didn't but it felt right with Derek" Sofia said. "Can't you give me another chance" Allison asked.

"I gave you plenty of chances too many to count I was cheated on with you twice and when you finally knew about it you didn't really care you still dated him knowing he cheated on me for you and then when I was finally happy and in a relationship I learn that you try to kill my boyfriend after you believed something your grandfather said over your mother's death then when you gotten over yourself you still act like Derek was the responsible one so no Allison you don't get any more chances so be a dear and tell us what you see please" Sofia said and Allison sighed before doing so.

"Well, this just got awkward" Stiles said. "Well, that could narrow it down coyotes travel in fixed trails, but I think you're right about her not going back to the den coyotes don't like wolves and they're really smart if they don't want to be heard they actually walk on their toes" Allison said.

"Coyotes tip toe" Stiles asked. "They tip toe" Allison said and the bell rang.

"I got to go but send me the pinned location" Allison said. "Okay" Stiles said, and Allison left as Stiles and Sofia took their seats.

Scott was heading to his seat when Kira walked up to him. "Hey, I'm Kira you knew that I knew you knew that I don't know why I just told you that again" Kira said and Scott smiled.

"Yep, their definitely gonna get together." Sofia said to herself. "Anyway, I have something for you" Kira said grabbing her bag from her back.

"For me" Scott asked. "Yeah, about the Bardo my explanation was sort of all over the place, so I did some research and I printed it out for you" Kira said looking for it. Scott had chuckled and scratched his neck.

"You didn't have to do that" Scott said. "It only took a couple hours" Kira said looking for the papers again.

"Wow then you really didn't have to do that" Scott said. "I swear I printed it out" Kira said not seeing it. "Kira" Mr. Yukimura said and went to them.

"You forgot all that research you did for that boy you like" Mr. Yukimura said and gave it to Kira before going to the front of the class.

Kira turned around and gave it to Scott before taking her seat next to Sofia.

"If you guys get together, I'm calling you Scira" Sofia said to Kira. "You think we'll get together" Kira asked. "I have known Scott for a long time I dated him even" Sofia said.

"Wait you and Scott dated I don't see it" Kira said. "Trust me we did but he ended up cheating on me" Sofia said.

"What are you kidding" Kira asked. "Unfortunately, no but now that I think about it it's actually a good thing or I wouldn't be with my boyfriend Derek" Sofia said and Kira smiled.

"You still didn't deserve that no one does" Kira said and Sofia smiled at her.

"Alright everyone let's get started we were just talking about internment camps and prisoners of war there's a passage in our reading that I'd like to go over in more detail" Mr. Yukimura said.

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