18) weird voicemails

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Sofia and Derek were just making out on the bed when Derek was about to take Sofia's shirt off. Sofia heard her phone ring and pulled away from the kiss and Derek moved to her neck.

Sofia looked at the caller ID and saw it was Lydia calling.

"Hey Lydia, can I call you back I'm in the middle of" Sofia started to say but stopped when she heard Lydia say Stiles was missing. "What" Sofia said.


"How did you and know did he call you too" Scott asked as soon as he and Issac entered Stiles room seeing Aiden, Lydia, and Sofia.

"I heard it" Lydia told Scott. "And then she called me" Sofia said. "Don't ask it gets more confusing when you ask" Aiden said. "Not as confusing as this" Lydia said gesturing to Stiles's room.

"He uses red for unsolved cases" Lydia said. "Maybe he thinks he's part of an unsolved case" Aiden said. "Or is an unsolved case" Issac said.

"Hold on is he still out there" Lydia asked. "You don't know where he is" Lydia said. "He said he was in an industrial basement somewhere" Scott told them.

"We came here to get a better scent" Issac said. "What else did he say" Sofia asked. "Something's wrong with his leg it's bleeding" Scott told them.

"And he's freezing" Issac added. "Tonight's the coldest night of the year it's going to drop into the 20s" Aiden said. "What did his dad say" Lydia asked.

"We kind of we didn't tell him yet" Scott said making Sofia's eyes widen. "Stiles is bleeding and freezing and you didn't call his dad" Lydia said.

"He made me promise not to we can find him by scent" Scott said. "If he was sleepwalking, he couldn't have gone far right" Scott asked. "You didn't notice his jeep is gone did you" Aiden asked.

"You promised you wouldn't call his dad I didn't" Lydia said.

"Wait Lydia hold on I can get more help I can call Derek, Allison" Scott said. "Everyone except the cops' great idea" Lydia said.

"You guys remember she gets these feelings when someone's about to die right" Aiden asked referring to Lydia. "You don't have to call his dad" Scott said.

"It's five minutes to the station" Scott said. "I'll go with" Sofia said. "We'll catch up" Lydia said.

"What why" Scott asked. "There's something here" Lydia said. "Yeah, evidence of total insanity" Issac said.

"We can figure out what's wrong with him after we find a way to keep him from freezing to death" Scott said. "Go we'll be right behind you" Lydia said and Scott, Sofia, and Issac left.


"If his jeep is gone that's where we start" Noah told Sofia, Scott, and Issac.

"Parrish let's get an APB out on a blue 1980 CJ-5 jeep Cordova I want a list of any kind of industrial basement or sub level of any building that he could've gotten into while sleepwalking it's the coldest night of the year so far so if he's out there barefoot in just a t shirt he could already be hypothermic let's move fast let's think fast the three of you come with me" Noah said and Noah, Sofia, Scott, and Issac went into his office and Noah closed the door behind him.

"Okay is there anything you need to tell me that I can't tell anyone out there" Noah asked. "Lydia knew he was missing" Scott said.

"She called me the minute she knew" Sofia said. "Can she help find him" Noah asked.

"Well, she's working on it" Issac said. "Anything else" Noah asked. "I called Derek and Allison for help" Scott said. "Can you find him by scent" Noah asked and there was a knock and they all looked. "We got it sir we found the jeep" Parrish said.


Scott, Sofia, and Issac found Derek on the roof to the hospital hoping Stiles was there. "He's not here, not anymore" Derek said.

"You mean the whole building" Scott asked. "Gone" Derek said.

"I'll go tell Stilinski" Isaac said. "And see if you can find Allison, she's not answering her phone" Scott said. "I'll go with" Sofia said and left with Issac.


Issac was banging on Allison's door with Sofia by his side. Allison finally answered and saw the two best friends. "What have you been doing" Issac asked.

"Sleeping what are you doing" Allison asked. "You're sleeping with everything that's going on" Sofia said and Allison looked confused which Issac and Sofia noticed. "You didn't get any calls or texts" Issac asked.

Allison went to grab her phone and Issac and Sofia went inside with Issac closing the door behind them.

"My phone's off I never turn my phone off, sleepwalking" Allison said. "Is he okay" Allison asked. "Yeah, they found him a few minutes ago they're bringing him to the hospital" Issac said.

"I don't know what happened I never turn it off" Allison said. Allison played a voicemail that spoke in Japanese. "Is that Japanese" Sofia asked. "Who's that" Issac asked.


Issac, Allison, and Sofia shown Mr. Yukimura the voicemail on Allison's phone at school in his classroom hoping he can help. "You're right it's Japanese" Mr. Yukimura said.

"I knew it" Sofia said. "Who left this on your phone" Mr. Yukimura asked Allison.

"I don't know all the messages are the same and they all say blocked ID" Allison said. "Can you translate it" Issac asked.

"Mostly the man speaking is giving instructions actually the first line is all evacuees are required to stay at least 10 feet back from outside fences" Mr. Yukimura said.

"What does that mean what fences" Issac asked.  "The fences surrounding a Japanese internment camp during World War II after Pearl Harbor Japanese Americans were rounded up and put in camps this man is reading instructions to prisoners upon their arrival" Mr. Yukimura said and gave the phone back to Allison.

"Well where does something like this come from" Allison asked. 

"I have no idea because it's fake it mentions the name of the internment camp as Oak Creek there was no internment camp named Oak Creek in California" Mr. Yukimura said.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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