5) frayed

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Sofia was at home lying on her bed after last night's events letting tears fall.

Issac came to check on her as he was there from staying over last night and saw Sofia just lying there.

As much as he begged her to go with him, she refused. "I'm leaving" Issac said but Sofia didn't say anything, and he just left.


"I know where they are" Scott said going in the loft seeing Sofia, Peter, Cora, and Boyd. "Same building as the Argents we know" Derek said.

"Cora and I followed the twins" Boyd said. "Then they want you to know" Scott said.

"Geh what gave you that idea the fact that Aiden tried to flirt with me or the fact they don't care that Boyd and Cora followed them" Sofia asked. "Wait what he flirted with you" Derek asked.

"Yes, but relax I shut him down" Sofia said. "Nicely Fia if I have to kill someone sooner than later for hurting you" Derek said. "Yes nicely at least this time" Sofia said.

"That's my girl" Derek said. "Seems like being a werewolf changed you for the better" Peter said.

"Shut up" Sofia said. "Okay back on topic more likely they don't care like Sofia said" Peter said. "What is this" Scott asked.

"Isn't it obvious the schemers are scheming coming up with a coup de main better known as a pre emptive strike" Peter said. "You're going after them" Scott asked. "Duh" Sofia said.

"Tomorrow and you're gonna help us they're one floor above them in the penthouse right above Allison" Derek said.

"So, kill them first that's the plan" Scott asked. "They won't even see it coming" Boyd said. "Why is the default plan always murder just once can someone try to come up with something that doesn't involve killing everybody" Scott said.

"Sure, if you want to take the fun out of it" Sofia said. "You never get tired of being so blandly moral do you not that I disagree with him" Peter said.

"I do why do we need this kid" Cora asked. "This kid helped save your life and you know we can't just sit back and wait for them to make the first move" Derek said.

"Yeah unfortunately" Sofia said. "You can't beat a pack of alphas" Scott said. "That's why we're going after Deucalion just him" Cora said.

"Cut off the head of the snake and the body dies" Boyd said. "Only this isn't a snake it's a hydra and like Scott says they're all alphas" Peter said. "Deucalion's still the leader" Derek said.

"Let's hope so because you know what happened when Hercules cut off one of the heads of the hydra" Peter said.

"Two more grew back in its place" Scott said. "Somebody's been doing their summer reading" Peter said.


"You didn't come alone" Deucalion said to Scott. "Yeah, this is Isaac" Scott said. "I'm not talking about Isaac" Deucalion said and then Scott saw Derek, Cora, Boyd, and Sofia.

"You knew I would do this Derek don't you can't do this, so no one gets hurt if someone else dies" Scott said.

"Him just him" Derek said motioning to Deucalion. "Just me, now how's a blind man find his way into a place like this all on his own" Deucalion said and they all saw Kali, Ethan, Aiden, and Ennis.


Derek, Cora, Sofia, and Boyd had started fighting and Issac joined them. Soon enough Scott had transformed and joined as well.

They all started fighting the alpha pack. Soon enough Kali had pinned Cora on the ground.

While Ennis had a hold of Scott and Boyd. "Kill him the others can go you're beaten do it Derek take the first step" Deucalion said. "Are we serious with this kid look at him he's an alpha to what a couple of useless teenagers" Kali asked.

"Some have more promise than others" Deucalion said and looked at Scott. "Let him rise to the occasion then" Kali said.

"What'll it be Derek pack or family" Kali asked and Derek had looked between Scott, Boyd, and Cora hesitating. Then all of a sudden, arrows were shot.

"Your eyes, cover your eyes" Deucalion said. Once the arrows stopped being shot Derek and Ennis started fighting and Sofia noticed they were on the edge of the cliff.

Derek no" Sofia said. Scott had swiped at Ennis's leg. "Scott no" Sofia tried to say but it was too late as both Derek and Ennis fell with Derek looking at Sofia.


Sofia had gone out of the house for some air. She had got in her car taking a moment before heading home.

As soon as she was about to take off, she looked up and saw a very much alive Derek Hale. "Derek" Sofia said, and he fell.

Sofia quickly got out of her car and checked his pulse seeing he was still breathing. "Derek, Derek" Sofia said.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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