14.Heartfelt Talks

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(Y/n pov

After knowing that we were safe, we went back to the hotel where we were staying at Daegu previously. After arriving at my room, I took a bath and flopped down onto the bed. It was so comfortable and soothing. I snuggled into the duvet and slept peacefully.)

Jungkook:Y/n get up.

Y/n:Jungkook what are you doing let me sleep, it's still early in the morning.

Jungkook:If you want your surprise, get up now or forget about it.

(Y/n pov

I quickly got up after hearing the word surprise, first, I said it's enough if we go back safely, but as we are safe now curiosity killed me to know about the surprise. I packed everything that he told me to do.

I lazily dragged myself to the car and slept again. Sunlight hit my face, I squinted my eyes to open. I heard people murmuring and laughing. I got out of the car and saw Lia, Taeyon, and Sana.

I sprinted towards those girls and hugged them. Someone called me from behind, I saw Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, and Hoseok.)

Y/n:Hello Mr. Kim, What you are doing here and where are we now?

Namjoon:No need for formalities, just say our name.

Jungkook:Surprise! We all are going hiking. The more people merrier.

Taehyung:Not only it's a surprise for you, but also our little celebration on the contract that we are going to sign with Mr. Kwang.

Y/n:Hiking! I love that, How did they contact you both?

Sana:I gave them their numbers.

Lia:I agreed because I felt it's not safe for you to go alone with them.

Y/n:They are good you need not worry.

Lia:Y/n when I called you, I heard a male voice, was that Taehyung, and why did you cut my call?

Y/n:Lia it's just, that I was sharing a room with Jungkook and Taehyung came to our room to get sunscreen that's it.

Taeyon:Is it so? (chuckling)

Sana:What did you say? Shared a room!

Y/n:Lower your voice, don't shout.

Yoongi:Can you girls stop talking, Come on let's start climbing.

(Y/n pov

We started climbing, but it was so hot due to the scorching sun above us. Eventually, we made it through the rocky steep path on the mountain, After a lot of struggle we made it to the top.)

Taeyon:Y/n why do you love this? It's so suffocating and hot. I feel like I am gonna faint.

Lia:If I knew it would be this hard, I would have not agreed at all to this. I am out of breath.

Y/n:Even I feel tired, but it was fun right?

Jimin:Here have this drink to boost your energy.

Sana:Thank you so much, you are my savior.

Y/n:Drink slowly, don't choke up.


(Y/n pov

The way he did was amazing, within the blink of an eye he pitched the tent perfectly. We all were awestruck by him. Then everybody followed Yoongi and pitched our tents. Then I saw a little girl playing happily with her family. It reminded me of my parents.)

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