Chapter 1- Beach Boy

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"Dad where did you put my luggage?" I ask, running outside our new house to the van. It's currently 4pm on a Monday, and I'm exhausted.

"It's in the boot," He replies, and I stroll over to our car, open it, and take out the black suitcase.

Me, my mom, and my dad have just moved from England to this island, Obx, as they like to call it. My dad worked for a guy back in England, but he was promoted to a higher position, meaning we have to move here.

I set my suitcase on the floor of the bedroom my parents picked out for me. It has baby blue walls, and the window is opposite my door facing the South, revealing a beautiful view of the beach in the distance. On the right of my door, in the middle of my room, is my single bed with a nightstand on each side. There is also a widow on the right wall by my bed. My room is on the front left side of the Suburban house. I have a white, built-in wardrobe on the left wall.

My dad has already paid people to unbox our stuff and get everything ready for when we arrive, and I quite like how whoever my room set it out. I look out the window to my right, the sunshine tints everything a beautiful golden colour, and it's warm looking everywhere. Except the temperature doesn't match the looks, it's under 8°c right now since it's the 9th of January.

I walk downstairs and take this as a chance to explore the island.

"Mom, Dad, I'm gonna go on a walk and explore this place, I'll text you!" I tell them as I walk past them and the car.

"Be careful, hunny, don't get lost!" My mom shouts.

"Be back by 9:30 Ashley!" Says my dad.

"Will do!" I look back at them quickly, smiling. This kinda feels like paradise.

I find myself by some docks, there are huge boats lined across them and the water looks so calm. I walk down the street, by the docks admiring every second in this blissful place. There are so many huge houses, they all have porches too, it's a shame my house seems to be the odd one out, mine doesn't have a porch, but it's a big Suburban house.

I walk past a few restaurants, and there are loads of people. They all look so happy. I can't see a single miserable face. This makes me feel like I've been missing out on so much while in England.

After half an hour, I find myself walking through a dried-up, mud road. The ground looks more like sand even though it isn't, I've seen a few houses, and they're the complete opposite of where I was just a few minutes ago. This place looks so dull all of a sudden, I haven't seen a single person- and I think I'm lost.

I find a slightly rotted wooden fence on the right side of the road, I walk over to it and lean back. I take out my phone and begin texting my parents.

Just then, I hear multiple voices, I look up to see a group of 5 people who look around my age. They walk out of the house a few yards away from where I'm currently standing, and I quickly look away, minding my own business before they see me.

"Yo guys," I hear one of them say, it's a male voice.
"Is she new?"
"I've never seen her before, so yeah,"
"Oh yeah, cuz you know everyone, don't you,"
"Yeah, and? Are you jealous I know every girl on this island and you don't?"
"Don't forget I'm right here," A girl says with attitude.
"Sorry Sarah," And then a chuckle.
"Guys, shut up!"

I try my hardest to keep a straight face as I hear 2 boys bantering along with a girl, and then another boy tell them to shut up.

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