Chapter 3- Teaser

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I wake up and notice Sarah is gone, I sit up and rub my eyes.

"Oh, you're awake," I hear the door open and Sarah's voice.

"Oh, yeah, hey. Uh, what's the time?" I ask and she checks her phone.

"Half 2," She laughs.

"Crap, I should get home," I stretch before standing up.

"I'll ask my dad to drop you off," She smiles.

"Oh, no. I can walk,"

"No, no, are you going home now or staying here for a bit?" She asks.

"I should get home as soon as possible, I gotta brush my teeth or else I'll feel dirty," I laugh.

"Eh, fair enough, come on,"

We go downstairs and Ward is on the phone, when he sees me and Sarah looking at him he tells the person on the phone to wait a minute.

"Yes, honey?" He asks.

"When you're done on the phone do you mind dropping Ashley off to her house?"

"Uh... Yeah sure," He replies going back to his call. I get out my phone to text my parents.

"I'll see you whenever, you can come round anytime, I would drop you off but John B wants some us time, like- right now so I gotta hurry, sorry!" She whispers as she hugs me and after we say bye to each other she sneaks out.

"Yes, I know, I'll have it to you by tomorrow, yes. Okay, I understand," Ward says looking irritated.

Just then Rafe comes through the front door and Ward covers the mic on his phone.

"Rafe, can you please give Ashley a ride to hers? I'm really busy right now, sorry Ashley," Ward asks Rafe before apologising to me quickly.

"C'mon," He nods his head towards the front door and I follow him.

We walk to his motorbike, he moves my hair and then puts the helmet on my head just like yesterday. I get onto the bike and hold onto his stomach again.

"Where do you live?" He asks revving the bike, I tell him where I live which is a 15-minute walk.

He drives off going the same speed as yesterday and I lean my head on his back shutting my eyes.

"When did you wake up?" He asks as his stomach tenses up.

"Five minutes ago," I look up into the wind mirror to get a glimpse of his face and I see him focused, but smiling slightly.

I lay my head on his back again and shuffle my body closer to his, at this point, I'm not even just holding onto him. I'm hugging him.
I feel myself drifting off but I remember I could fall off and die so I guess that motivates me to stay awake.

After a few minutes, we reach my house, and I wake myself up again. I kick my leg over the bike so I'm just sitting on the edge. Rafe walks in front of me and carefully takes off my helmet to reveal my sleepy face.

He smiles slightly and fixes my hair in the same way I fixed it yesterday. Hopefully, he doesn't notice how knotty it is right now.

"I haven't brushed my hair yet by the way," I point out and he scoffs.

"Come on, before you fall asleep on my bike," He changes the subject and helps me off the bike as if I'm a child, he walks me to the front door knocking on it.

My mother answers and smiles.

"Oh hello, you two," She smiles.

"Hi, Mrs. Perez, I was just dropping Ashley off for Sarah," Rafe smiles politely putting his hands in his shorts pockets.

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