Chapter 20- The Dealer

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"Rafe," I say softly, it's now the morning at quarter to eight and I need to go to school.

Rafe opens his eyes slowly and buries his face between my thighs making me smile, the way his nose is wedged between my thighs tickles.

"That tickles," I giggle as I stroke his hair. "Okay but seriously, you need to go home and I need to go to school before my parents get back," He picks up his head to look at me.

"Only if you come with me, I have more chance of being let in the house if you're there..." He says while looking up at me with sleepy eyes.

"I have school... Fine," He looks sad until I agree, but him getting back in the house is more important to me than education.
"Did you sleep like that the whole night?" He asks with a small frown.

"Yeah," I reply as he gets up into a sitting position.

"Weren't you uncomfortable?" He asks looking like he feels bad.

"No, I was fine," He doesn't believe me, I can see it, and he's right, I was very uncomfortable.

"Alright, we need to get ready and go," I say as I get up. "You still have your toothbrush in your bag, don't you?" I point out the backpack that has been in the corner of my room for multiple weeks now.

"Oh shit, yeah," He says as he goes into the bag and pulls out a toothbrush.

"You know, you can wear my shirts, I think they would look good on you," He smirks.

"Polo shirts aren't my thing," I laugh and he frowns.
"They're actually not polos," He says as he walks past me to the bathroom.

I follow him and we brush our teeth together, when we finish we go back to my bedroom.

"This, or this?" I ask as I hold up two outfits, Rafe studies them carefully.
"Well, considering I brought them both for you, and I chose that one..." Rafe points to the outfit on the right.

"I wanna see you in it," He smirks.

"You've already seen me in it, in the dressing rooms," I laugh as I hang the outfit I picked out myself back in my wardrobe.

"That's different," He says as I hear the bed ruffle, I haven't gotten undressed in front of him before.

I turn around to face him as I take off my shirt.
"How is that different?" I say as I try my best to tease him while acting innocent. I can see those eyes, Mr. Cameron.

I smirk as I put on the mint green knitted cami crop top and take off my joggers.
Rafe licks his lips as he stares at the thong I'm wearing.

"I probably shouldn't wear a thong with this, should I," I purse my lips.
"Yeah, take it off," Rafe smirks as I laugh.

"You're such a perv, Rafe," I say as I open my drawer to find laced red underwear.

"Just admiring my girlfriend," I hear him say as I take off my thong and slip on my new undies while blushing.

I turn around to face Rafe who has his hands folded behind his head, leaning on the headboard and staring at me.

I put on the matching shorts and he smiles.
"You look so hot," He stands up and goes into his bag, he sprays himself with deodorant and men's perfume.

The smell fills my nose making me smile and I quickly brush my hair.

We get going and I hug Rafe tightly, I hope Ward doesn't ruin his mood.

"Okay, Rafe, I think you should knock on the door, wait until someone answers, and if it isn't Ward, then tell whoever opens it to get Ward. When he's there, you should apologize, whether you think he deserves it or not, just be as respectful as possible, okay?" I tell Rafe when we pull up to his house and he nods as he listens along, taking in every word.

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