Chapter 22- Retrieval

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The next day, it's a Wednesday at 10am, I haven't bothered going to school, that's not important at the moment. I have so much going on, and it's not worth stressing over right now.

"Barry," I look around the house but he's not here.
I frown and realize I don't know how to get back to Figure Eight. Shit.

I decide to just wing it and walk in the direction I came in the past two times.

After half an hour I find myself back in Figure Eight, a sigh of relief leaves my lips and I decide to go home.

Dad would be at work right now and Mom isn't the one who kicked me out, she hasn't texted me so she's probably just giving me space.

I unlock the door and let myself in, mom isn't here so I go upstairs to pack a bag. I brush my teeth, shower, brush my hair, and choose an outfit, the cream-coloured v-shape waistline crop top and mini skirt that Rafe brought me.

When I'm ready, I walk over to the Cameron's house, Sarah and Wheezie would be at school but I don't know about Ward or Rose. Unless Rafe is at Topper's, then he should be here.

I knock on the door as hard as I can so hopefully, wherever anyone in the house is, can hear me.

A few minutes later, the door opens, it's exactly who I'm looking for.

"Can I please have my phone?" I ask as I stare up at his tall figure, he has a small smirk plastered on his face as if this was what he wanted all along.

"Don't know what you're on about," He shrugs and walks to the kitchen leaving the door open, I follow him inside and shut the door behind me.

"Rafe, give me my phone!" I raise my voice getting impatient.
"I don't have it, stop fucking shouting!" He raises his voice to match mine.

"Give me my damn phone, or else I'll-" I get cut off by him as he turns to face me.

"Or else what, huh? What are you gonna do?" Rafe frowns, he's enjoying this, I walk towards him while he's leaning back on the kitchen counter next to the fridge.

"I swear to god, I will never speak to you again, I don't even wanna be here right now but I need that phone!" I shout and he laughs sarcastically.

"Oh yeah?" He crosses his arms, he's calling my bluff, and he knows what that word does to me. He's doing it on purpose and I know it.

"Yeah, Rafe, you fucking beat JJ, we weren't even together, you had no right!" I ignore the feeling in my legs because now is not the time.

"I was looking for you! I didn't go to the Chateau looking for him! But when I saw him, I just got so mad and remembered he kissed you!" Rafe shouts, now he's angry, that smirk has been wiped off his face.

"That was before we even went on our date!" I shout back, I just want to get my phone go, I don't have time for this.

"But we had sex, didn't that mean anything to you!?" He throws his arms in the air and I clench my fists. There is no way he just went there.

"Of fucking course it did, you know that was my first time, right!?" I shout, and I know he didn't know.

"What? No, I didn't know that, actually," He looks slightly shocked.

"So you think I would waste my first time on someone," I scoff.

"What? No!" He walks towards me and I push him away when he tries to grab my waist.

"I really wish you didn't do that," He says as he catches himself on the kitchen counter.

"Fuck you! I hate you!" I point at him while screaming with tears in my eyes.

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