Chapter 26- Litter Me With Hickeys

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The sun shines on my face and I notice that Rafe's arms aren't tightly wrapped around me for once.

I hear ruffling from the foot of the bed so I sit up to see Rafe finding a T-shirt.

"Hey," I smile and Rafe looks at me as he picks up a green tank top.
"Hey," He smiles back as he puts it on.

"You going somewhere?" I ask as Rafe walks towards the door.

"Yeah uhm, I'm goin' to Topper's, I'll text you the address if you wanna come, cuz I gotta go like- Now," Rafe rubs his nose and I frown at the way he's acting.

"Oh uh, okay, yeah, I'll walk there when I'm ready," I smile.

"Right, see you then," Rafe says as he quickly walks out of the room and I laugh.

I get changed and brush my teeth and hair, I text Rafe and he texts me the address.

I put on a black crop top and cycling shorts with the word angel on the waistband since it's alright weather today.

I put Topper's address into google maps, even though I've been there two or three times already, but I don't remember where it is.

I walk there and I can hear faint music blaring from a garage-looking room.

I walk down to it and hesitantly look to see if Rafe is there, and I see him lifting a weight, and oh my god he looks so insanely hot. Although I don't get why he had to wear a green tank top, it doesn't do his body justice. It shows off his biceps so much though, so that's good.

"Yo, Ashley!" Topper smiles as he lifts a smaller weight.
"Hey guys," I look from Topper to Kelce as I walk inside.

When Rafe sees what I'm wearing, he doesn't look too happy, he puts down the weight and walks to me.

"Woah, What're you wearing?" He frowns as he talks quietly into my ear.

"Clothes?" I scoff and laugh. "I've worn stuff like this before, Rafe," I smile up at him.

"But you wore a jacket, and now you're not," Rafe frowns and I pat his mildly sweaty chest.

"How about you just get back to your workout so I can carry on staring at you," I say as I look up at Rafe, he slides his hand across my lower back and then walks back to where he was originally.

"Yeah bro, he never should've pulled a gun on you," I hear Kelce say to Topper and I look at the pair frowning.

"What? Who the hell pulled a gun on you?" I ask and Topper turns to look at me.

"Uh, JJ," My eyes widen, how the hell did he even get a gun in the first place?

"What? Why?" I say as Rafe carries on his workout.

"We got into a fight, and when JJ realized I was winning- He pulled a gun on me, put it right here, on my head, he didn't even leave a gap, bro," Topper points to where the gun was supposedly pressed to his head.

"Holy shit, where did he even get s gun from in the first place?" I ask, but it's mostly rhetorical.

"I dunno, man, it's JJ, could've been from anywhere," Topper sighs as I see Rafe changing his weight from the corner of my eye.

"Hm," I reply as I turn to Rafe with a small smile and admire my boyfriend.

"C'mon Kelce, three more," Topper cheers his best friend on as he does pull-ups.

"Agh!" I laugh as Kelce lets out a weird shout as he does his last pull-up.

"Ashley, let's see how many pull-ups you can do," Kelce says as he rubs his palms together from the pain, he's probably got blisters now.

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