Chapter 4- First Aid

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I wake up with the biggest headache I've ever had, I sit up noticing I'm still in yesterday's clothes.

"Ow.." I mutter as I remember sharing a blunt with JJ, but nothing past that.

I go to the kitchen to take paracetamol for my headache and down a glass of water, my ears are currently ringing to the point I cannot hear.

"Mornin' sleepyhead," I hear a familiar voice say and I turn around to find out it's JJ. The Pogues and Sarah are sitting in my living room looking all cosy.

"What the- What are you guys doing here?" I ask confused as to how they even got inside my house. "Did you guys fucking break in?" I look around for any broken windows.

"No, your mom let us in, she said we can hang down here until you wake up," JJ smiles sitting back.

"And how long ago was that?" I ask.

"An hour ago," Pope mutters.

"Okay, so, you've all been inside my house, without supervision, for a whole hour?" I nearly shout.

"Yeah.." John B itches the back of his neck with an awkward expression.

"Okay, so. Wanna hang out today?" JJ smiles.

"Sure, give me half an hour to get ready and shower," I turn around to go upstairs.

"She don't remember bro," JJ says.

"Nope, she has no idea," I hear Pope reply making me frown, what is he talking about?

I go to my parent's bedroom and open the door.

"You weren't gonna tell me Sarah and the others are here? No?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"I didn't wanna wake you," My mom gives me a sarcastic smile.

"Yeah, thanks appreciate it, Mom," I walk away closing the door behind me.

I shower and get ready as well as straighten my hair. I put on a grey crop top and white shorts and I pull my hair into a messy bun before making my way downstairs.

JJ whistles when he sees my fit and Kie smacks him across the back of the head.

"Shut up JJ!" She scolds him.

"Sorry!" He holds his hands up in defence.

My dad comes downstairs dressed neatly.

"Where are you going dressed like that, Dad?" I ask staring at his clothes, he doesn't usually dress this smart.

"I'm going to a business meeting," He smiles walking to the door. "I'll see you later, if you come home, that is," He scoffs before heading out.

"Yeah, bye Dad!" I shout laughing.

"Hey, isn't that the wrong way to Tanneyhill?" JJ asks looking out the window and watching my dad's car drive the opposite way.

"He's probably just popping to the shops or something," I brush it off.

We decide to stay at mine and a few hours later my mom comes downstairs.
"Hey, do you kiddos want food?" I look over to everyone and they're all smiling at me not saying, I laugh and turn back to my mom.

"Yeah, what are you thinking of making?" I ask.

"Do your friends like lasagna?" I look back and they're still smiling at me, they look possessed.

"I think so?" I laugh.

"Alrighty then," She smiles and walks to the kitchen.

"You guys are so weird, you know that right?" I giggle as they begin looking shocked and Pope yawns.

Taking Care Of You || Rafe Cameron ||Where stories live. Discover now