Chapter 11- Apologies

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The sun burns my closed eyelids and there is a large, warm hand covering my right boob. Rafe's body is pressed against mine, spooning me, I get a shiver through my body making my nipples go hard.

"Morning," Rafe's groggy voice vibrates on my neck, I stay silent wondering how he knows I'm awake all of a sudden. "Your nipples don't get hard when you're asleep," He chuckles and I squeeze my eyes shut feeling myself go red.
He rubs soft circles around my right nipple with his index finger and I try my best not to react.
"You still not talking?" He laughs slightly and I bite my bottom lip trying not to react. I'm interested to see how far he goes.

I let out a small laugh and he kisses my neck.
"I see how it is," He pinches my nipple between his index and middle finger lightly. My breathing becomes unregular as his hand travels down my body slowly, waiting for me to stop him.

His hand smoothly slides down to my stomach stopping at the hem of my shorts. My breathing gets heavier as I wait to see if he does what I think he's about to do.

"Hm?" His voice vibrates again and I smile, he knows for sure I'm awake and he's waiting for me to stop him.
His fingertips push under my shorts and he slides his fingertips across my lower abdomen for a few moments before he slides his hand further into my shorts. His fingers tickle my skin slightly until they reach the centre of the start of my thong.

He pauses for a moment to see what I do but I'm still curious if he will actually do it. He smiles against my neck as he strokes his thumb on my skin, he then proceeds to slide his index and middle fingertips under my thong; that's where this must come to a stop.

"Okay, okay," I turn around quickly while smiling and he retracts his hand from my shorts.
He smirks as I come face to face with him and he places his hand on my right hip pulling me against him.
"Hmm," I hum as I lay my head on his chest and slide my arm around his waist.
"What?" Rafe mutters moving his hand down to my thigh and pulling my leg onto his body.
"Just thinking," My voice is muffled against his chest.
"'Bout what?" He strokes his hand up and down my outer thigh.

"About how we haven't even known each other for a month, and this is where we are already," I smile while looking down.

"Well, we've known each other since... Just over two weeks ago? It's Thursday today, so..." I look up at him to see him already staring down at me with his right cheek pressed into the pillow.
"You keep count?" I laugh slightly.

"No, but I remember it was a Monday when we met, if that even counts," He chuckles and I remember how I threw a random drink all over him.

"I think it does, we interacted quite a bit, and I think it's quite memorable, don't you think?" I giggle a little as I look up at him again.

"Hm, best way to meet someone," He laughs a little and I pull myself closer to him with the strength of my leg which is wrapped around his hip.

"Mhm," I close my eyes while smiling, this is a moment to treasure, everyone thinks Rafe Cameron is just an angry pre-adult, but he's not; and I get where they're coming from, but I just wish he would show this side of him to everyone. He's so soft around me for no reason, he's nicer to a girl he's just met, who threw a drink over him the first time we met, than to people he's known his entire life. He's not just a Kook Prince, he's not just some spoilt brat who cares about fancy clothes and shoes.

"Wanna fuck?" He says with confidence and I look up at him frowning. Moment ruined.

"Rafe! No!" I hit his chest and laugh.
"Why not?" He asks frowning back at me with a confused look.

"Go fuck someone else," I bury my head back into his chest knowing he wouldn't dare move right now.

"Well, you see, I'm kinda stuck right now, so, I can't, but if I weren't, then I totally would," I can feel the smirk on his face as I tighten my grip around him.

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