Chapter 17- Broke Him

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My phone pings and I slump my arm over to my nightstand reaching for it.
The time reads 1:35pm and I've received a text.

Sarah 💜

John B texted me yesterday and told me about what happened with Kie and JJ, do you wanna come round and talk about it? X

I might as well or else I'll just be stuck in bed all day, I'll be round in half an hour x

C u then x

I put on a cream and light brown colour block zip-up jumper- Or sweatshirt, as the Americans call it, and white ripped shorts with my new white trainers.

I walk to the Cameron house and get nervous as I bring my knuckles up to the door. I hope it isn't Rafe who answers, because I'm worried I'll slip up about JJ, and I don't want JJ to get hurt again. He's only just healed from the damage Luke had done and I don't want him to get beat again.

I knock on the door three times and Sarah opens it.
"Hey, oh my god, I feel so bad for you, let's go up to my room and you gotta tell me everything!" She hugs me before dragging me upstairs to her bedroom.

"Okay, I'm all ears, go ahead," She says as we both sit cross-legged on her bed.
"Okay, so, I knew it was a bad idea, but I really wanted to tell Kiara about Rafe," I tell Sarah but I know John B already told her the basics of what happened.

"She got so mad, and then I saw that JJ was behind her, he looked so heartbroken, the look on his face was just so..." I trail off not wanting to tear up as the memories fill my head.
"It's okay, cry if you want, this is a big thing," Sarah smiles as she places her hand on my shoulder for a second.

"Kiara said she would let me and JJ talk because she knew he needed to talk to me more than her," I avoid eye contact with Sarah and she stays silent, letting me take my time.

"JJ started saying horrible things about Rafe- I, I didn't wanna hear it, I couldn't listen to the things he was saying anymore so I walked away," I begin tearing up and Sarah places her warm hand on my knee with pity in her eyes.

"He pulled me back by my wrist and basically told me he likes me, and then... And then he kissed me," I let out a sigh.
"Well that means he's not too mad, right?" Sarah tries to lighten the mood with a little laugh and I force a smile.

"But that's not the issue," My voice cracks.
"Then what's the issue?" She asks and I look up at her.
"Because I let him, I didn't pull back," A tear rolls down my cheek.
"That's okay, you don't need to feel ashamed, it's not like you and Rafe are official, you didn't cheat on him or anything," Sarah smiles as she wipes the tear from my cheek.

"That's the problem, I feel horrible for letting JJ cross that line, for letting him kiss me, because, now he probably thinks I feel the same," I pause and sniffle, Sarah looks confused.
"I'm confused," She mutters and I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"It's not JJ I want, Sarah," When I say this, she looks shocked.
"Wait, so you don't like JJ?" She tries to process what I just said.
"He's one of my best friends, and I love him to bits," I sniffle again.

"But it's different with Rafe, he's not the bad guy everyone makes him out to be, sure, he's made mistakes, but I can't help but look past that," I smile through my tears and Sarah curves her lips slightly.

"I did pot with him last weekend, and I blacked out, he told me I rambled on about how I was due my period on Tuesday along with a few other unimportant things," Sarah looks shocked.

"You did pot with my brother?" She raises her eyebrows.
"That's not the point, the point is, on Tuesday, he stuck into my room with chocolate and ice cream, and we watched two whole films together," I blush a bit and Sarah looks even more shocked.

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