Chapter 16- Decisions

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The sound of my alarm goes off, making my head pound. My eyes open wide as I realise Rafe's hand is on my naked ass.
I quickly reach behind me, trying not to move my body too much so I don't wake Rafe and turn off my alarm.

Shit, I have school.

"Rafe," I say quietly as I run my fingers through his hair.

"Hm..." He hums, not being bothered to speak.

"I have school," I tell him, and he squeezes my ass, making me go red.

"Fuck school, stay with me," He pulls me closer to him and my leg brushes against his-

Holy fuck. Last night really did happen.

"Wait, Rafe, did we-" I get cut off as memories from last night flood my clouded mind.

"Yeah, best sex I've ever had," He lets out a deep laugh as he tightens his grip around my bum.

A small smile appears on his lips when I don't say anything, and then he opens his eyes, revealing that blue colour I love so much.

"Oh my god! Ew!" We hear a high-pitched voice shout from outside the room.

"Shit, that's Sarah," I tell Rafe in a panicked voice.

"Yeah, no shit," His eyes travel to my lips as he licks his own.

"Ashley! Rafe!?" Sarah's voice echoes through the hallway and there are two more sets of footsteps aside from hers.

"There's multiple people, Rafe, our tops are outside," I sit up and Rafe's hand doesn't leave my ass.

"Yo, bro, you in there?" We hear Topper's voice say followed by knocking on the door.

"Fuck off!" He grumbles as he buries his face in the side of my boob.

"Ashley, we have school, you gotta get ready, we've been looking for you both everywhere your parents are worried sick!" Sarah almost shouts as she opens the door, she covers Topper's and Kelce's eyes as she walks inside and shuts the door behind her.

"Oh my god- Sarah!" I shout, and Rafe moves his hand from my ass to my boobs, covering them.

"Hey, this body is for my eyes only," He frowns as he uses his free hand to pull the covers over my chest and I sit up.

"Okay, I'm a girl too so it's nothing I haven't seen before, now stop holding her hostage and let her get ready for school!" Sarah raises her voice and crosses her arms.

"This is awkward..." I mutter, and Sarah fights a laugh even though a smile is plastered across her face. "I think I'm gonna skip today, I'm too hungover," I rub my sleepy eyes as I check the time, 7:52am.

"Can we at least talk in private?" She asks, and I look down at Rafe whose eyes are looking up at me.

"Sure, can you please get my clothes from the hallway?" I ask her.

"Not just the hallway, both your shirts are on opposite sides of the main room," She laughs and opens the door just enough to exit so that the boys can't peek inside.

I try to get up, but Rafe won't move his arm.

"Rafe," I say, and he frowns. "Please?"

"Whatever," He turns around, now facing his back toward me, and he drags his arm away from my boobs making me cold all of a sudden.

I slip out from under the cover and put on my thong and skirt, which had been thrown across the room. The door opens, and I cover my chest as Sarah walks in, giving me my bra and top.

"Thanks," I say as I turn around, Sarah exits the room and waits outside while I put on the rest of my clothes.

"Bye, Rafe," I say as I grab my heels and walk out with no answer. He's already knocked out again.

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