Chapter 6- Party

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The next morning comes around and I wake up next to Sarah who is already awake sitting up on her phone. I don't remember falling asleep last night, or anything past smoking, for that matter.
"Oh, good morning," She smiles.
"Morning," I grumble rubbing my eyes.
"Wanna go get breakfast?" She asks.
"Sure," I mumble dragging myself out of bed.

We reach downstairs and we put toppings on our pancakes.
"You got any tea?" I ask half awake.
"Yeah, I'll put the kettle on now," She smiles and puts on the kettle making me a cup of tea.

I sit down on the chair on the island and lay my head on the marble surface closing my eyes. I hear someone come downstairs.
"Oh how nice, you're making me a coffee?" Rafe's voice says in a sarcastic shocked tone, crap.
"No way. I'm making Ashley a cup of tea," She replies and I lift my face resting my chin on my crossed arms.
"That explains it." He mutters looking at me, I try to act casual.

"You're not a morning person, are you?" Sarah turns around laughing.
"Nope," I say quietly.
"You can go back to sleep, you know," Sarah says grabbing the kettle and finishing making me tea.
"Nah, the tea will make me up," Rafe smiles walking to the kettle and making himself some coffee.

"I need to change out of these clothes," I moan looking down.
"They look fine, in my opinion," Rafe smirks sipping his coffee and staring me up and down.
"Fuck off, Rafe," Sarah hits him in the shoulder, I look down avoiding eye contact and trying not to go red.

"I'm guessing neither of you remember last night," Rafe says taking another sip of his coffee, me and Sarah look at each other with worried expressions.
"Hm? What? What do you mean?" I ask quickly sipping my tea and he smiles.
"I was the one that brought food, you know," He mentions and Sarah frowns at me.
"Did you poison it or something, are we gonna die? You would never do that," Sarah laughs.

"Rafe! Rafe?" We all turn to look as Topper walks in.
"What, Topper?" Rafe replies.
"Me and Kelce are going to a party later, wanna come?" He asks.
"Yeah, sure," He turns around clearly wanting him to go away.
"And you, Sarah? You can bring your friend if you want," He asks with a look of hope.
"Do you want to?" Sarah asks me.
"Sure," I reply.
"You're picking us up, right?" She asks and Topper smiles.
"Yeah! Be ready by 8," He smiles and almost skips off.

"I don't have any party clothes," I say and Sarah smiles.
"Let's go shopping then,"
"Sure," I finish my pancake and tea then we ride her bike to mine.
"I just gotta brush my teeth and hair and shower, is that okay?"
"Of course," She smiles.

After picking out clothes we go to John B's house.

"Holy shit," JJ looks us both up and down checking our fits.
"Hey! Eyes off," John B covers his girlfriend's body.
"What about me? I feel slightly unprotected here..." I look down with a sad look on my face and we start laughing.

When we get back to the Cameron house, it's 7:45.
We go up to Sarah's room and in the next 10 minutes, we hear loud knocks at the door.
"That'll be Topper," She smiles and jumps up. I grab my white purse and follow after her.

When we get to the front door Rafe turns around and freezes. He looks me up and down and Topper's eyes are glued on Sarah.
"Uhm, you girls ready to go?" Topper says.
"Yeah," Sarah answers. Rafe steps out of the way letting me go first and I smile at him, mainly because I know he just wants to stare at my ass.

Topper is driving his jeep, Rafe is in the passenger seat and me and Sarah are in the back. I admire his black buttoned blouse which has two buttons undone at the top. We get to the party in five minutes, it's an outdoor party on the beach, and there are kegs and lots of alcohol.

"Let's get drinks," Sarah shouts over the music into my ear.
"Okay," The boys follow behind us and after 3 rounds of vodka each we feel very buzzed, Sarah and Topper are a lot more buzzed than Rafe and I.
"Lightweights," Rafe laughs.
"Agreed, round 4?" I ask Rafe and he doesn't hesitate to order another round.
"Ooh more shots!" Sarah shouts.
"No, this is for me and Rafe," I laugh and she frowns.

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