Chapter 27- Love You

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There's a knock at the door, and I realize the cover is halfway up the back of my head. My head is still on Rafe with my left cheek pressed onto his chest. My arms are still holding onto his sides and his arms are still wrapped around my waist.

"What?" Rafe groans and the door opens, I jump slightly as Sarah walks in, thankfully it's not Rose- Or worse, Ward or Wheezie.

"Awh how cute," Sarah says sarcastically. "Now get your ass up, you need to pack- And I'm helping," She smiles as I squint my eyes.

"What time is it," I mutter as I turn my head and lay my forehead on Rafe's chest.

"10 o'clock, now c'mon before I drag that blanket off the pair of you," Sarah cross her arms.

"Wait-" I start to tell her as I go to sit up but Rafe beats me to it.

"You don't wanna do that," Rafe snaps and grips my waist.

"Oh- Ew, okay, I'll wait downstairs, can you like, shower? I don't wanna be giving you hugs when you've been- Whatever," Sarah turns around and slams the door shut.

I sit up on Rafe's stomach and stare down at him.

"May I... Use your shower," I ask and Rafe smirks.

"Only if I can join," He runs his hand up my thigh and rests it on my ass.

"Well it's your shower isn't it," I laugh and swing my legs over him.

We both get in the shower and do end up doing anything, it just wasn't that mood.

Sure, goodbye sex may of been nice, but this was more of a warm vibe. We washed each other's hair and body, and then we got out.

Rafe gave me a shit ton of his clothes and told me to make sure I wear them- And gave me three bottles each of his cologne and perfume and told me to spray myself with at least half the bottle to make sure everyone knows I'm taken.

I mean, why else would I look and smell like a guy, right?

"Rafe, the guys won't think I have a boyfriend, they'll think I'm lesbian," I look up at him as I run my fingers through his damp hair with my arms full of clothes, bottles of cologne, and the exact same expensive perfumes in my arms.

"Can you- Please help me with all of this? You've just dumped it all in my arms, catch that, it's slipping!" I tell him and he takes half the clothes.

"Well, at least they won't try go for you," Rafe says as we exit his bedroom.

"You're a guy, you should know that isn't the case," I reply as we walk down the stairs.

"You won't let them though, right?" Rafe turns to me with a serious expression.

"No, Rafe, I wouldn't," I tell him as if he should already know that and find the rest of the Cameron family downstairs.

"Oh my god, what's this?" Rose laughs as she sees the clothes and nice-smelling stuff in both our arms.

"Rafe made me promise to wear his stuff, and make myself smell of him," I tell her and Ward laughs.

"Rafe, is this really necessary?" Ward says as he walks to the front door and Rafe ignores him.

"I'm driving you," Rafe says as he walks to the front door.

"Do you have to? I can just take the car and drive it back," Sarah whines and Rafe sends her a death stare.

"Okay, okay, calm down, don't have a tantrum," She holds her hands up in defence.

"I will throw you across this room," Rafe almost growls making me laugh.

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