Chapter 2- Business Dinner

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It's been a day since moving to Outer Banks and I find it quite beautiful, the Wintet is so much warmer than in England.
It's now a Wednesday morning and I'm sleeping in my new bed until I get a knock at the door waking me up, I sit up in this incredibly comfy bed.

"Yeah," I mumble and my mom peeks her head in.

"Hey, sorry to wake you, can you please get ready, we've been invited to dinner with the guy your father is investing in, or, whatever, I've lost track of what your father is doing," She laughs and I smile too tired to laugh. "I'll make you a cup of tea while you get ready," She smiles before leaving and closing my door behind her.

I brush my teeth and then put on my navy blue denim shorts and my red crop tube top. I pull out my golden crescent moon necklace from beneath my shirt which hangs just below the top of my sternum. I haven't taken this necklace off for almost 7 years -except when I shower- I got it for my birthday when I was 11, I'm almost 17 now.

I take a picture of today's fit and send it to my best friend.
I brush and straighten my blonde hair which ends a little underneath my bra before making my way downstairs.

"Those shorts are a bit short, don't you think?" My dad comments.

"I'll have to agree with him on this one, Ashley, it shows off the bottom of your ass," My mother quietly laughs.

"Oh, I'm sorry for having a sense of fashion," I laugh too.

After I finish my cup of tea, I slip on my cream-coloured puffer coat, we get into our new car and set off to this guy's house.

"Holy shi-" I cut myself off as my dad interrupts me, I didn't see this house on my little stroll around the island.

"Hey, non of that language while at this meeting, alright?" My dad says, he doesn't want to mess this up.

"How about I just don't speak at all," I give a sarcastic smile.

"Sounds good to me," He replies with the same smile.

My dad knocks on the door and a man opens it with a smile.

"Hi, you must be the Perez family," He greets us.

"Yes, you must Mr. Cameron," My dad replies.

"Yes indeed I am, come in," He says enthusiastically. This is their first time meeting in person.

We hang up our coats on a golden-coloured coat hanger, it's quite a bit warmer in here than outside. We all walk through the house to the dining room, the dining table has 3 seats on each side with an extra chair on both ends. There are two girls with their backs towards me, a boy on the left end who looks a little older than me, and- Sarah.

I smile realizing this may not go as crap as expected, when she sees me she jumps up.

"Oh my god, Ashley!" She squeals running to me and pulling me in for a hug. When Sarah says my name the boy on the end looks up, and he adjusts his seating position looking uncomfortable.

"You two know each other?" The man says.

"Yeah, we met yesterday, she's the girl I told you about, remember?" Sarah replies.

"Oh, yes! How did I not notice?" He tuts at himself and my parents look very pleased.

"Please, take a seat," The man smiles and holds out his hand towards the table.

My dad sits opposite the empty chair next to Sarah and my mom sits in the middle chair leaving me to sit next to the boy.

I hate being in social places it gives me anxiety, especially when there are fewer people. What's even worse, is that the boy looks so beautiful, with the most amazing hair which falls in front of his eyes. That makes me even more nervous than I've ever been, his eyes are glued to his phone under the table.

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