Chapter 19- Kicked Out

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The morning comes slow, the whole night my mind was been running wild, thinking of how amazing my afternoon was with Rafe and how cute it is that he brought a dress for Wheezie. But then my mind diverts to the Pogues.

I can't imagine how awkward it will be in school, I wonder if Kiara will stop by to walk with me in the morning. And what will happen with JJ?

I can't just pretend it didn't happen, because, it did. So now I have to find the least painful way to let him down, tell him I don't feel the same. I don't necessarily have to tell him I love Rafe, but I can't pretend I don't.

Unexpectedly, Kiara shows up, and just as I'm about to leave I get knocks on my door.
"Kiara, hey," I say nervously and she looks at me with her arms crossed.

"I uh, am willing to hear you out," She takes a step forward. "But I will not let you string JJ along, you've gotta tell him how you feel, who it is you want," She says.

"I know, and that's what I'm planning to do..." I reply and she sighs.

"I've missed you! I'm so sorry for flipping out!" She suddenly pulls me in for a tight hug. "But I really don't like the idea of you with Rafe, and I know you can't control how you feel, but, I will say this," She pauses as she pulls away from the hug, staring into my eyes.

"He's been so much less violent since you moved, I think you might of actually done something," She smiles slightly and I laugh.

As we walk to school together as normal, we talk about the situation and how Rafe took me on a date.

"He even brought Wheezie a dress, isn't that so cute?" I say with a smile.
"He did?" She replies looking confused.
"Maybe he does have some redeeming qualities..." Kiara mutters and I smile.

The day goes by quite smoothly, everyone is slightly awkward, but that's understandable. I tried my best to avoid JJ- But I quickly learn that it's an impossible mission.

I force myself to act like everything is okay, and after school, I don't bother going to the Chateau. I go straight home, run up to my room and collapse on my bed.

I cry my eyes out, I feel so horrible for JJ and I really hope Kiara doesn't speak to him about the situation before me. I don't want him to find out from her I want him to find out from me, it's the least he deserves.

I'm glad I'm home alone because I don't feel like discussing the situation with any of my parents. Especially because the reason this all happened is because me and Rafe-

You get it. My dad hasn't been home much the last few weeks, it makes me wonder what he's doing. He says he's with Ward, but Rafe tells me he isn't most of the time.

I haven't told my mom that I know Dad hasn't been with Ward because I know exactly what she will think. And I haven't spoken to him about it, because in truth, I think it's better I don't know.

Everything seems to be going wrong, my dad possibly cheating, Marcus going missing, Liv being MIA, JJ liking me but I don't feel the same and the Pogues clearly feel uncomfortable around me now.

The only thing that seems to be going perfectly mind is... Rafe.

Then my phone pings, I break out of my sad girl moments and check to see who it is, hoping it's Liv finally replying to my 17 missed texts.
But no, it's just an unknown number.



Hey, who is this?

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